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decent pokemon sprite artist ESP/ENG lg🅱️t, trans rights free palestine
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AND the middle guys (plus one of the bug evolutions) grass/flying fire water/rock bug/ground (Wanabite) same as always, +ALT text for descriptions and silly details #fakemon#drifdex#pokemon#art#pixelart

The middle grass starter, this is a fun dessign being purely a nod to the stereotype of chunky construction worker, the helmet is more elaborate to look like actual security helmets, and its body wears overall (its just a funky feather dessign but thats nothing new for pokemon).
Again based on oven birds, and they can be also somewhat chunky birds so i think it fits nicely.
Also it is now flying type, is it the best at flying? no, but it is good enough at it to warrant the type (more so than vullaby anyways)
I like this middle guy a lot, it is a lot uglier but thats kinda the point, it is the lowest point for the entire line, partly too because it is a lot worse at regulating its own temperature, has stronger fire power but it is contantly cold, its teeth are shivering and has a perpetual concerned expression.
Other than that it develops from the prevo and prepares for the final, it has a less saturated color to help for the "sickness" look, and the head+legs have very short hair, to better sell the idea of it being cold and also to ressemble vicuñas which also have much slender bodytypes and less wool.
Of course the middle water starter follows the logic of its line too, now its bipedal (insert joke about bipedal cat starters) to prepare for the final form, it has developed rock structures on its head and arms (which is why it is now rock type), can change the shape of the rocks on its arms to make a shield, tho it is a lot more rustic than its evo.
The feathers and eyes are orange to make a fun little progression on its line, but it also has bracelets on its wrists, ankles and tail. These could probably be a part of the evo too, but i thnk its better for this as the evo probably preffers a more sleek design.
And the good ending for the regional bug, wanabite, it is a simple evolution tho, mostly there so the bugs can have some sort of hope in the future and arent all doomed.
Simply make the bowl bigger, give it angrier eyes, develop the legs more, give it fangs and claws with smaller bowls to make for shields, id say its simple but effective and i really like the color palette of this line.

And onto the name, wanabite is a silly one, wan is the name for a big ramen bowl (as opposed to the small personal ones called hachi), and it just morphs into the phrase "wanna bite?" which i think is funny, is like the mon taking on its predators head on cause it is cocky and sure of itself, and mocks them for even trying to eat it.

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decent pokemon sprite artist ESP/ENG lg🅱️t, trans rights free palestine
22 followers67 following67 posts