Think. It. Through.
“Less sleazy version of Jared Leto,” according to Xitter. Crazy liberal. Loves data, info, facts, and logic. He/him. I’m extremely disgusted with the Palestinian genocide, but I feel VP Harris is less culpable. WE’RE NOT GOING BACK.
200 followers384 following4.4k posts

Policy detail in a campaign is quicksand. You’ll get criticized for specific parts of your proposals, you’ll get hit for not having a plan to enact said proposals, you’ll get zero credit for even trying. Vibes vibes vibes. Stick with general principles, and ride out the “no specifics” criticism.


This. And, also, the President is a vibes position. They bully, they persuade, they set priorities, they ask for things, they, erm, don't write laws to be passed. That is not the job.

Think. It. Through.
“Less sleazy version of Jared Leto,” according to Xitter. Crazy liberal. Loves data, info, facts, and logic. He/him. I’m extremely disgusted with the Palestinian genocide, but I feel VP Harris is less culpable. WE’RE NOT GOING BACK.
200 followers384 following4.4k posts