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Chantal James
Check your vernacular & then I’ll get back to ya. Essayist poet philosopher & writer of the 2022 debut novel NONE BUT THE RIGHTEOUS. She/her
5.2k followers728 following38.6k posts

Psych survivors back me up when I say the ward is not what you want in any way whatsoever so people who have been convinced the mad are a group of people who deserve the violent subjugation they get can keep talking, it doesn't hold water with what we've been through.


getting the grippy sock treatment by a shitty college therapist for expressing suicidal ideation _and_ saying there wasn’t any intention to act on it, was NotGreat for the suicide ideation problem i had at the time


The wards are abuse, plain and simple, so some private company can soak your insurance, or your credit, or the state for a few bucks. Iy's never about healing. It's incarceration without a judgement. (Not that jail is any better.)


I've never had a nightmarish stay, but I've also never been actually TREATED at one of these places. They drug me during my first few hours, and then I just live in purgatory for 3 days. Then they let me go again.


Absolutely! Noone deserves the violence and neglect I experienced and witnessed on psych wards.


If i said that wrong please tell me. I heard from enough friends what i was privileged enough to be able to avoid to know i can't speak for anyone who survived it.


Involuntarily committed for a suicide attempt many years ago. I was chastised, yelled at, and treated like a burden the entire time. I saw a psychiatrist once for 30m in the entire 2wks I was held, misdiagnosed, and blamed for being a SWer when I was very clearly being trafficked and abused. 🫠


As someone who worked in suicide prevention for years I noticed a lot of the time wards had an issue: They seem to forget that suicidal thoughts are a SYMPTOM, and without addressing the cause you're not truly helping. It's sticking a band aid over a shotgun blast without removing the buckshot.


I was only held overnight but the psychiatrist there sent me away worse than I came in. Some kinds of meds and some kinds of therapy help me. Almost everything else makes things worse. This society knows VERY little about mental illness.


[med trauma, SI] I pissed off the admitting nurse so they wrote I was there "for attention" and sent me to the "bad patients" floor then the doctor made a big show in front of his med students of telling me I wasn't really suicidal It was...bad


Backing you up. Being sent to suicide jail is the lowest point of my life. Dehumanizing patients is just business as usual in those places. Being handled like an object is not conductive to good mental health.

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Chantal James
Check your vernacular & then I’ll get back to ya. Essayist poet philosopher & writer of the 2022 debut novel NONE BUT THE RIGHTEOUS. She/her
5.2k followers728 following38.6k posts