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Little Hantu
💫 Cracking through life like a glittery glow stick, one migraine, joint pop, and animal cuddle at a time 🐾. Customer service whiz, tech hopeful, and chaos coordinator. If I’ve cracked you up, fuel my coffee fund: []!
4 followers6 following31 posts

My feet: ‘We refuse to carry you any longer.’ Me: ‘I have snacks.’ Feet: ‘Okay, we’ll carry you, but we expect overtime.’ They know where to hit me where it hurts. 🍕👣 🤣


Is it Sunday?! It's Monday 3 am for me here! 😜 😛 🤪


*giggle, snort, chortle*


Love this! Hope you like my funnies too!!!


Some days, I channel my inner Dorothy Zbornak. I’m sarcastic, tired, and silently judging everyone’s life choices, including my own. 🌼 #BeaArthurEnergy#GoldenGirls#BeaForPresident


Trying to fix my Wi-Fi feels like an episode of Star Trek where nothing works, and Scotty’s yelling, ‘I’m givin’ it all she’s got, Captain!’ But I’m just sitting here like, ‘Can we not eject the router into space though?’ 🖖💻


Does anyone else think tech support should come with a ‘zen mode’? Like, if you hit the wrong button, it just gives you 5 minutes to meditate and reconsider your life choices. 🧘‍♀️💻


I’ve reached the point in my job search where I’m contemplating writing cover letters like Shakespearean sonnets: ‘Oh fair employer, dost thou desire a tech hopeful with the gift of gab?’ 🎭💻


I’m just one rejection away from sending my next resume via interpretive dance. Maybe it’ll catch their attention? 🕺💼


If I could combine my skills in customer service, tech, and voice acting, I’d be the person calmly narrating your call to IT support. ‘Ah, and here we see the user, desperately refreshing the page...’ 🎤💻 🤣 💀

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Little Hantu
💫 Cracking through life like a glittery glow stick, one migraine, joint pop, and animal cuddle at a time 🐾. Customer service whiz, tech hopeful, and chaos coordinator. If I’ve cracked you up, fuel my coffee fund: []!
4 followers6 following31 posts