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alarm bells are ringing
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(A diagram showing how the unbabbler compares sounds it hears with its permanent memory bank of previously-heard sounds for future comparisons. When "X!" is yelled, it recalls the sound, the loudness, the low pitch, that it was sudden, and that it was said in an angry tone. Then when "x." is said more calmly, it remembers the last time that similar noise was made, and adds all the new information about this time.)

Body text: It's actually hard to comprehend the unbabbler without having one.

It completely circumvents the need for language. I bet humans never would've bothered, if we had one! Pokemon are so cool.

(A diagram of the human body in the anatomical position)

Body Text: So, okay, humans probably only developed language because we don't have unbabblers, right?

But I was thinking. Language gave us writing. Writing let us "store" knowledge, and share it further. Spoken language is lost once said, and only travels as far as the sound does. It's probably BECAUSE humans don't have an unbabbler that we were able to build tech and make the world as it is today!

I doubt we would've bothered with writing if every sound could be understood as its exact meaning.

(A drawing of a human silhouette standing on top of the world, with the text "DOMINANT!")

(A drawing of a pokeball, with the text "TECH!")

I really liked making these for the episode, but I know it might be hard to see 'em, and impossible if you're not pausing as Bianca flips through them. I love using stuff like this to expand on the world for people who are interested, without having long dialogue lore-dumps for people who aren't.

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alarm bells are ringing
0 followers10 following13 posts