Chris Steller
ex-"ex-personalidade do Twitter" minneapolis #localangle #rockfacts #inexplicablebirch former "former twitter personality" minneapolis #localangle #rockfacts #inexplicablebirch
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The editor-publisher of the Minneapolis Spokesman, Cecil Newman, devoted the first portion of his publisher's column to Sarah Vaughn after seeing her in that two-week stand in Oct 1961 at Freddie's.

Page 2, Minneapolis SPOKESMAN, Friday, October 27, 1961
We had a look and listen at "Sassy" Sarah Vaughn, the other night at Freddie's. It was perhaps the 10th or 12th time we had heard her sing in person. It began at a Chicago night club, went on through the time we dropped in at the Birdland in N.Y.; listened as she charmed a jazz extravaganza audience in Kansas City, til the time she worked hard to get the Minneapolis Key Club audience to be quiet enough to hear her voice.
At that time as we sat with Hank Sabes, the genial Key Club owner we felt a little put out that one of the world's greatest artists had to beg an audience that apparently came to hear her sing, to allow her the opportunity.
Great artist that she is she kept her temper, entertaining those who really appreciated her art. We were disgusted with the slobs with too much drink who kept caterwauling as she raised her lovely voice in song. We enjoyed her that night despite all of the noise.
All over the country the night club artists face a real problem from those thoughtless ones who think payment of a cover charge or admission entitles them to make a lot of noise, especially while the artists are performing. We have seen it happen in the down at the heel places and the plush joints also. Many of the offenders are loaded with money but who just seem to get their kicks out of forcing some performer to beg to be heard.
The smart comics who roam the night club circuit learn to handle the hecklers, but it's difficult for a woman singer to get a real hearing when the place has a few of the characters who get a few drinks under their belts or girdles and must show off.
The other night at Freddies we had our latest opportunity to study the artistry of the Vaughan girl who can do so much with her gorgeous volce. The crowd was pleased, it was orderly, and she didn't have to beg for quiet or sing-shout to be heard. They came to hear her sing.
We belleve It was almost 15 years ago

Great find! And interesting that he’s complaining about audience chatter. I had thought that a more recent curse


Newman mentions comics, and in the Oct. 9, 1961 Minneapolis Star Bob Murphy named the "gagster" who opened for Vaughn at Freddie's: Simmy Bow. He's been appearing on TV, Murphy notes, but Bow's IMDb credits start with KAOS agent on Get Smart in 1968, which tells you something about IMDb and early TV

with Bob Murphy

column heading with relentlessly spiky skyline illustration
An odd type of comedy you'll find in the work of Simmy Bow, appearing with Sarah Vaughn at Freddie's this week.
Greek mythology and Shapespeare
are among his subjects. Bow has done a lot of televison shows, incidentally—but always as a gangster, not a gag-ster
Chris Steller
ex-"ex-personalidade do Twitter" minneapolis #localangle #rockfacts #inexplicablebirch former "former twitter personality" minneapolis #localangle #rockfacts #inexplicablebirch
2.5k followers3.9k following18.6k posts