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Christian Liebel
Consultant @thinktecture#Angular 🅰️ & #PWA 📱 & #Fugu 🐡 • Microsoft MVP • Google GDE • W3C WebApps WG participant
54 followers80 following23 posts

Heading home from my 10th Imagine forms filling themselves with just a clipboard copy—all thanks to smart form filling. Ready to spice up your Angular forms? 💡

Intelligente Formulare: Angular Forms mit AI & LLMs aufpeppen
Intelligente Formulare: Angular Forms mit AI & LLMs aufpeppen


Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #118,817!


Just wrapped up an incredible WeAreDevelopers World Congress! 🚀 Excited to share my presentation on cutting-edge web technologies: 🌐 WebGPU 🧠 WebNN 🆕 Chrome’s Prompt API Slides available here:

Generative AI power on the web: making web apps smarter with WebGPU and WebNN
Generative AI power on the web: making web apps smarter with WebGPU and WebNN


I’m excited to be a panelist and speaker at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress today! Join me at the following sessions: - Secure Software Development, 12:20, Stage 6 - Generative AI power on the web: making web apps smarter with WebGPU and WebNN, 16:20, Stage 5 #wearedevs#wwc24


Honored to be re-awarded as a Microsoft MVP for the 9th year running! 🏆 My focus continues to be on pushing the boundaries of the web and integrating Generative AI into web apps. Thank you, Microsoft and community! #MicrosoftMVP#DeveloperTechnologies#GenAI#mvpbuzz


On the way home from Magdeburger Developer Days. It was great, as always! Here are the slides of my presentation about the new features in

Angular 17: Neue Features optimal nutzen und Bestandsprojekte effizient migrieren
Angular 17: Neue Features optimal nutzen und Bestandsprojekte effizient migrieren

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Christian Liebel
Consultant @thinktecture#Angular 🅰️ & #PWA 📱 & #Fugu 🐡 • Microsoft MVP • Google GDE • W3C WebApps WG participant
54 followers80 following23 posts