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Clades 🍉
Author. Fan of too many fandoms. Introvert. I don't usually talk much but I love encouraging others having fun and trying to make the world a better place on my timeline (skyline?). Am querying a New Adult Urban Fantasy, and writing five other books.
717 followers1.3k following715 posts

This is my ads every time I start a new book. Stay strong. They recalibrate eventually... Something like 3-6 months?


I blocked the diaper ads and got weight loss ads. I'm sure it will cycle to beer by this evening. It's just so weird.

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Clades 🍉
Author. Fan of too many fandoms. Introvert. I don't usually talk much but I love encouraging others having fun and trying to make the world a better place on my timeline (skyline?). Am querying a New Adult Urban Fantasy, and writing five other books.
717 followers1.3k following715 posts