The Force Will Set Me Free
Madness and chaos are what tyrants call freedom.
25 followers58 following48 posts
Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

conservatives like school shootings, in pretty much the same way they like crime. a terrified and unsafe population makes people more distrustful and reactionary, and they have the fun bonus of helping to destroy the public education system.

Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

your superpower today is making bigots uncomfortable.

Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

Gritty has issued the formal proclamation: It’s LGBTQ Pride Month. Here’s to finding yourself, your community, and all of the love and support you need to enjoy and express both — and to be able to do so safely and free from government and other interference.

Gritty raising the Pride flag.
Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

The immediate flood in the wake of the Dobbs decision has slowed to a trickle as people lose focus. It doesn’t have to be this way. We need sustained pressure and abortion funds of all sizes and forms need reliable funding.

3 I’m reading Manhunt (love it btw), and I just got to the part about Steve Martin perhaps surviving t. rex, and I gotta know, in your head, did Steve Martin survive? Out of all the men on Earth, I’d be pretty happy if The Jerk was the last surviving one.


I don’t feel bad about Lauren Southern for the same reason that you don’t feel bad for drunk drivers. Absolutely beyond me why she’s receiving any sympathy whatsoever.


If “The Far Left” aren’t the DNC’s base, why do we always get blamed when their shitty candidates lose?


Okay okay okay I’ll see your stupid fucking movie. jeez.

Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

Is that baphomet??? How metal does this mom for liberty think we are?

Reposted by The Force Will Set Me Free

if you live in the US and have been considering HRT and are under 25, consider starting informed consent care as soon as you possibly can. the Cass Report in the UK will be cited here even by moderate liberals to restrict access and it’s worth already having established care before that happens

The Force Will Set Me Free
Madness and chaos are what tyrants call freedom.
25 followers58 following48 posts