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My little corner of the 'sky. No one of importance posting nothing of consequence.
17 followers112 following358 posts

I think we're on the same page, the whole thing seems to be a bunch of belligerents taking pot shots (or limited targeted attacks) at each other & not giving a damn about collateral civilian victims. It goes well beyond Oct 7th, but since then this has been an undeclared war on civilian populations


I had a session with a psychiatrist at school in the mid 80s, I was 'smart but bored'. I don't recall anything being done & fell behind everyone in my maths work, not just in my year but in the two years below me at primary school. I never really caught up, got a C in GCSE maths by some miracle.


But you could probably get her writing for the Socialist Worker if you engineered the right team around her. She appears to be a sponge, holding few things as core beliefs & willing to soak up whatever is around her.


Or, and bear with me here, it's an act. I don't think this is either/or it could be a combination of one or more elements. PR Blind faith Narcissism Connections Seldom is it merit.


Full drain cycles, don't leave it charging all the time. Look up the chemical composition of the battery for its particular best practices.


Just use a rake and a brush.


The industries have built publishing, marketing, financial & political powerhouses to demonise protest. They rarely address the concerns raised (an accusation laid on the protestors) but frequently fire ad hominem attacks. They expertly apply techniques honed & developed from the tobacco industry.


They help highlight, however imperfectly, their cause. Without the publicity those other actions, boycotting, protesting, class actions would have much less popular weight. The organisations & industries being challenged have the resources to obliterate small movements before they grow.

Reposted by cleminan

This is basically how we got Milton Friedman, how we got Ronald Reagan, and how we got the up-by-your-own-bootstraps, winner-take-all, profits-over-people economy that's leaving so many Americans (and especially women and moms) still struggling today. Let me explain... 🧵 1/

The University of Chicago just received $100 million from an anonymous donor. Donations of that size fundamentally shift an institution’s programming and priorities, and we know that donors exert influence on campus policy. So this is—as one of my colleagues put it—basically dark money, it should be illegal to stay anonymous when exerting this much influence on an institution that’s publicly supported through tax exemptions, federal grants, non-profit status, etc.
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My little corner of the 'sky. No one of importance posting nothing of consequence.
17 followers112 following358 posts