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Robbie, Cloaks & Capes TTRPG
We create magic items for use in DnD 5e, with tokens and other art on the way soon! Our Patreon has 287 magic items with 30 more added each month!
86 followers54 following620 posts

After many months here on BlueSky, we've decided the atmosphere isn't quite what we're looking for in a Social App. It's still leagues better than the other place, but if you'd like to keep following us, check the comments for all the other places we live! Peace be with you all, DnD and TTRPG Fans!


One of the interesting and challenging parts of creating DnD Magic Items in tandem with a community on Twitch, is they get inspired by one another as well. We created three different Banishing-inspired items in one stream, these, the Soul Chain Arrow an the Bow of Banishment.

Banishing Salts
Wondrous Item, very rare

“A small pouch of crushed-up salts, echo-plasm, and other ritually treated materials used for banishing and turning the undead. It can sometimes have unfortunate side effects on the souls of the living as well.”

Banishing salts come in a specially made pouch with 1d4 + 1 handfuls. Using an action you can throw a handful of these salts in a 10-foot cone in front of you. Every creature in the area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be affected by the magic of the salts.

If the target is an undead, fiend, aberration, or monstrosity and fails the saving throw they are frightened and must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. This lasts for 1 minute, or until it takes any damage.

For any other type of creat

These items are a bit more plot-related. I think they could be used in some very interesting ways by a DnD party to get information about a cult's deity, or perspective from a god. How far would a good party be willing to push for the information they need?

Divine Bindings

Wondrous Item, very rare

“Two thick iron manacles whose chains are made of silver and gold. The manacles themselves have several divine runes and celestial language inscribed upon them.”

When these magical bindings are placed on a target they become restrained. You can then use an action to speak the command word causing the target to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, if they have a patron, extraplanar being, or god they worship, they become a conduit to that being. The being can hear what the target hears and speak through them. The target can survive having three questions answered through them. If any further questions are asked, each time the being speaks through the target, they gain one level of exhaustion. If the target succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw, they are immune to the effects of the bindings for the next 24 hours.

The bindings can be escaped from with a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check or a DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves' t

The Twitch Chat was talking about dealing mega-damage one day. They wanted ways to double, triple your attack, they wanted exploding dice mechanics (coming soon!) What do you think of the Triad's Halo?

Triad’s Halo

Wondrous Item, rare

“This ring was created using three different magically-treated metals. They were twisted and wound around one another. There are small gems infused with arcane energies trapped between the layers.”

Make your next attack roll with disadvantage, if you hit you can triple the damage from your primary ability modifier. You can use this property a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, only expending a use when your attack hits. You regain all expended uses after you finish a long rest.

One of our items that was inspired by a member of our Twitch Chat. We'll often ask for ideas (vague or specific) for new magic items. Collaboration with the chat is one of our favorite parts of creation.

Mask of No Face

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

“This magical mask looks like an oval-shaped piece of flat, curved clay. When it is put to the face of someone attuned to it, it begins to shift and take on the form of other faces. It’s constantly changing and evolving, never using the same facial characteristics twice.”

While wearing this mask your face becomes blurred and amorphous to the untrained eye. You cannot be recognized by anyone through non-magical means.

You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks while wearing the mask, but creatures making Wisdom (Insight) checks against you have disadvantage. 

You can use the mask to cast the disguise self spell as an action. While under the effects of disguise self, you do not suffer the disadvantage to Charisma (Persuasion) checks. This property of the mask can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.

I'm not sure exactly where the inspiration for this DnD item came from, but it does now remind me of an item in Star Ocean: Second Story that when you die, revives you automatically! Maybe it subconsciously came from that?

Sacrificial Doll

Wondrous Item, very rare
“A small effigy of a humanoid creature. It has no distinct features, or limbs but clearly has a head and a body. The body has three, small red gems embedded in it that have a faint glow. When someone in possession of this magic item is dying, the gems pulse with a bright light.”

When you you fail a death saving throw with this magical item in your possession, you instead succeed on your death saving throw causing one of the three gems embedded in it to crack and dull. When all three of these gems are cracked the item is destroyed.

This armor was originally designed as a Armor Model for my homebrew Gunslinger\Artificer in a game I got to be a player. May rework it as a subclass later, but thought it would make a cool artifact armor as well!

Dawn Breaker Armor

Armor (light or medium), artifact (requires attunement)

“This magical armor is made of thousands of small, silver and gold plates that are housed in a star-shaped receptacle. When activated they flood out and form a nearly weightless full-suit of light or medium armor around the wearer, including a full helmet.”

While attuned to this armor you gain a +3 bonus to AC. You can don and doff the armor using a bonus action.

This armor has 20 charges for the following properties. The armor regains 1d8+6 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge your speed increases by 10 feet until you regain any expended charges.

Quick Boost. (2 charges) You can use a bonus action to Dash or Disengage.

Warp Jump. (3 charges) When you are struck by an weapon or spell attack you can use your reaction to teleport up to 20 feet away to a location you can see.

Create Decoy. (5 charges) You can use a bonus action you turn invisible until the end of your turn...

My favorite kind of DnD magic item to make is still the blessings and curses. You can only give your party so many weapons\items in a game, but temporary stuff is cool to add to their toolbox because you never know how and when they'll use them.

Scar of Bloody Sight

Blessing, temporary boon, uncommon

“This blessing is often misunderstood and sometimes thought to be a curse. It manifests as a deep, red scar with pale pink veins.”

You can use an action to cut into the scar tissue granting you Darkvision for 1 hour and the ability to detect blood within 30 feet of you. Additionally, you have advantage on Intelligence (Perception) checks that rely on scent and Wisdom (Investigation, Survival) checks when tracking wounded creatures. Once you use this boon the scar vanishes.

A fun little, common magic item. Though I'm always worried that a DnD player out there is going to find a way to use it to break your games, so be careful GMs!

Flask of Replication

Wondrous Item, common

“This flask comes in all varieties and styles and made of many different materials. The one commonality between them is the large, soft yellow transmutation rune that glows and pulsates as it’s refilling itself.”

If you fill this magical container with at least one ounce of non-magical liquid you can use an action to have the flask replicate that liquid and fill itself to the brim. The process takes one minute to fill up completely.
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Robbie, Cloaks & Capes TTRPG
We create magic items for use in DnD 5e, with tokens and other art on the way soon! Our Patreon has 287 magic items with 30 more added each month!
86 followers54 following620 posts