Coleman Glenn
Husband, dad, college chaplain, occasional writer of occasional poems.
76 followers101 following60 posts

Here it is - my first poetry collection! A LITTLE LIGHT contains light verse, dark verse, sacred verse, secular verse, song parodies, sentiment, and dad jokes. Read it, review it, share it!


“Coach Pitch,” a new poem. (If you don’t know, coach-pitch baseball or softball is just what it sounds like - most positions are the same as in regular ball, but pitches are tossed by one of the at-bat team’s coaches.)


The pitcher/coach repeats the common lie:
“Just one more swing. OK, *one* more, last one.”
It’s only fair — these girls should get to try
until they’ve hit; they’re out here to have fun.
Besides, “one more” means one unerring pitch,
one ball precisely placed to catch a bat,
one toss with aim and timing to bewitch
a no-look swing to drive a softball flat.

Above his own refrain, above the cries
of players spelling out their practiced cheer,
above his on-deck daughter’s drawn-out sighs,
the coach, persistent, also seems to hear
a whispering from bleachers out of view:
*If this kid whiffs, her heartache is on you.*

                                               ~ *Coleman Glenn*

A poem.


Our revolution wasn’t one
whose ends required a guillotine.
Our civil war was waged between
states set before the war was done.
Our breaks and sutures have been clean,
at least as imaged on a chart;
there may be something in the heart
whose tendency remains unseen.

Writing two sonnets felt like cheating, so: Tortured rhymes. Tortured meter. Tortured syntax. All 31 song titles crammed into 14 lines. Here is The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology: A Tortured Sonnet. #poetry#poems#sonnet#sonnets#taylorswift#tsttpd


Two sonnets, both alike in dignity, containing all the song titles from Taylor Swift’s new album (as did all the best of Shakespeare’s sonnets). (The first was written before the release, the second after.) #sonnet#poetry#tsttpd#taylorswift#torturedpoets


Poem for Good Friday.


Behold the Man whose head is crowned
With thorny branches twisted round
By hands that bear the stain of sin.
The multitudes are pressing in
And cries of “crucify!” resound.

Like seed sprung up in thorny ground
The loud “hosannas” have been drowned.
Through all the frenzy and the din,
Behold the Man.

Behold Him now condemned and bound.
Behold Him. Hear the hammers pound.
Behold, as well, the soldier’s grin.
Behold a mirror. Look within
And face whatever there is found.
Behold the Man.

Out tramping past the cherry tree I met a lanky lad Who spoke four simple words to me That left my spirit sad. The elfin fellow’s words were not Intended to do wrong, But oh, I know ’tis not my lot To prosper, nor live long! Happy birthday A.E. Housman, Robert Frost, and Leonard Nimoy!


Sonnet for Palm Sunday


As all the wedding guests are well aware,
the bride and bridegroom's burning hearts will cool.
No couple can escape the time-worn rule:
the budding branch, come winter, must grow bare.
A cynic mocks the thought that love might spare
these two from turning cowardly or cruel;
a witness (whom the former calls a fool)
thinks frost might yet give way to warmer air.

The shouting crowd who celebrate their King
grasp little of what lauding Him will mean;
arrayed in ignorance, the children bring
abundant fronds to lay a path of green.
Within a week, the crowd will turn away.
And yet — let loud hosannas sound today. 

*Coleman Glenn*

Today's poem: "Twilight: After Haying" by Jane Kenyon. #poetry

he Best Poems of Jane Kenyon

Jane Kenyon
Twilight: After Haying

Yes, long shadows go out
from the bales; and yes, the soul
must part from the body:
what else could it do?

The men sprawl near the baler,
too tired to leave the field.
They talk and smoke,
and the tips of their cigarettes
blaze like small roses
in the night air. (It arrived
and settled among them
before they were aware.)

The moon comes
to count the bales,
and the dispossessed--
Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will
--sings from the dusty stubble.

These things happen. . .the soul's bliss
and suffering are bound together
like the grasses. . .

The last, sweet exhalations
of timothy and vetch
go out with the song of the bird;
the ravaged field
grows wet with dew.

I'm back! Today's poem: "North Sea Off Carnoustie" by Anne Stevenson. #poetry

Poems 1955-2005
Anne Stevenson
North Sea off Carnoustie

You know it by the northern look of the shore,
by salt-worried faces,
an absence of trees, an abundance of lighthouses.
It’s a serious ocean.

Along marram-scarred, sandbitten margins
wired roofs straggle out to where
a cold little holiday fair
has floated in and pitched itself
safely near the prairie of a golf course.
Coloured lights have sunk deep into the solid wind,
but all they’ve caught is a pair of lovers
and three silly boys.
Everyone else has a dog.
Or a room to get to.
The smells are of fish and of sewage and cut grass.
Oystercatchers, doubtful of habitation,
clamour weep , weep , weep, as they fuss over
scummy black rocks the tide leaves for them.

The sea is as near as we come to another world.

But there in your stony and windswept garden
a blackbird is confirming the grip of the land.
You, you, he murmurs, dark purple in his voice.

And now in far quarters of the horizon
lighthouses are awake, sending messages –
invitations to the landlocked,
warnings to the experienced,
but to anyone returning from the planet ocean,
candles in the windows of a safe earth.
Coleman Glenn
Husband, dad, college chaplain, occasional writer of occasional poems.
76 followers101 following60 posts