Colorado hiker, bicyclist, dog trainer, lover of wildflowers and Tom Petty. I block cartoon/anime and foreign language posts (because I don't understand either). #RankedChoiceVoting #OpenPrimaries
39 followers78 following434 posts

For those who might be interested. This is from X.


"He's anti-mask. He's anti-vaccine. He's anti-public health. He's all of these things, while investing heavily in pharmaceutical companies that treat infectious diseases and chronic health conditions." Excellent Newsletter.

What We All Need to Know About J.D. Vance
What We All Need to Know About J.D. Vance

He matters.


"Many people with HIV get flu-like symptoms early on. More-serious symptoms may not show up for years after a person first catches the virus. The early symptoms of HIV often go away within a week to a month. The risk of spreading the virus is very high during this time." Sound familiar?


Interesting thread on protecting your brain from Covid.


Try walking into your doctor's office or an ER and telling them you have covid. See if they don't start throwing masks at you. Why would they do that if they truly believed it was nothing? They've never asked me to mask up when I've gone to the doctor with the freaking flu or a bad cold!


My latest five-minute update on the


The longest decade: Year Five #ItsCovid#CovidIsAirborne

A drawn visual story divided into five squares, representing a year each. 2020: A man shouting 'Covid doesn't exits!' at a masked nurse and passerby, as an ambulance drives past. 2021 Same man standing outside a cemetery and crematorium with a sign that reads 'Now open 24/7' talking at an elderly mourner. Text reads 'But Covid only kill sold people'. 2022 Same man shouts 'It's the jabs!' at a girl in a wheelchair. 2023 Same man standing stock straight on a yoga mat, right arm raised and oustretched. Text says 'But I will never get it... because I do yoga and have superior genes'. 2024 Same man, huddled in a coat passing the National Covid Mmorial Wall covered in hearts and a banner with text '240,000+ dead of Covid'. The man is talking on a mobile phone. TExt says 'Nah, I got this 100 day cold. Must be all that immune debt.'
Colorado hiker, bicyclist, dog trainer, lover of wildflowers and Tom Petty. I block cartoon/anime and foreign language posts (because I don't understand either). #RankedChoiceVoting #OpenPrimaries
39 followers78 following434 posts