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Conrad Hackett
Demography nerd at Pew Research Center Global religious change, sociology
7.3k followers9.5k following625 posts

Our former president ...

This is an image of recent quotes from Donald Trump. It says, "In speeches, interviews and on social media in recent weeks, Trump:

Said former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley committed "treason" and suggested he be executed.
Called for Judge Engoron to be disbarred, thrown out of office and criminally prosecuted, in addition to attacking the judge's clerk.
Labeled New York Attorney General Letitia James — who's suing Trump for fraudulently inflating his wealth and assets on financial records — a "racist" and "a monster."
Said special counsel Jack Smith — who's prosecuting Trump in the Jan. 6 and classified documents cases — is "deranged" and a "psycho" who "looks like a crackhead."
Posted online, "IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU!" — one day after swearing in federal court that he would not intimidate witnesses in the election interference case."

The biggest mistake ever has been to treat Trump like a person that is ethically, psychologically or intellectually capable of being a representative of American people. Let alone their president. The media sold the US out for clicks, the politicians for votes.


Trump is an unfathomable and unprecedented malevolent danger to Democracy and rule of law . What cord did he strike in the US population ? Or is just the greatest dark oligarch brain washing event since the 1930s ?

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Conrad Hackett
Demography nerd at Pew Research Center Global religious change, sociology
7.3k followers9.5k following625 posts