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20, silly, vidya game/movie lover, and a furry of the large variety I will probably be reposting a lot of fetish art so please 18+ followers only
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(7/13) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Hysterical, exciting, and brilliant. Incredible direction, Kubrick has got it down now. Every element of the film perfectly adds to the humorous fire. No beat is missed. I already want to see it again! 👍👍Watch it!

Dr. Strangelove (1964) dir. Stanley Kubrick
The paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper, played marvelously by Sterling Hayden. Probably the only person on the planet capable of making cigars look cooler. Love the light in his eyes as well.
General Buck (George C. Scott). A funny beginning for this character archetype, and him bumbling around the war room was so funny.
Major "King" Kong (Slim Pickens)
Most iconic moment from the film, I have nothing else to add lol.
Dr. Strangelove himself, played by Peter Sellers as one of the three characters he portrays in the film (fooled me at first).

The jump in quality between this and his last film is honestly disgusting lmao. I hated Lolita so much it made me not wanna watch any movies for a couple days, this was a good cleanser.

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20, silly, vidya game/movie lover, and a furry of the large variety I will probably be reposting a lot of fetish art so please 18+ followers only
13 followers23 following33 posts