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Board-Certified Rat Bastard
[he / him] // Fixed Gear Psychopath, Occasional MAMIL, Satanist, Philosophical Naturalist // Interested in surrealist art, extreme metal, video games, old books / films and shitshow politics
679 followers683 following4.4k posts
Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

I posted this story on Instagram and got this

Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

Cops guarding a grocery store in North Carolina because payment processing is down… in case you’re wondering what their actual job is- it’s protecting capital- not you

Line of pigs standing in front of a grocery store with hands on their hips
Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

Ok Bikesky I know I haven't been delivering the goods lately and I am here today to make that up to you

Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a small, vertical mural some clouds, waves a random face and a paper airplane in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring multiple figures in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style. Close shot on bike.
Pink All City Thunderdome Bicycle in front of a mural featuring some bowling pins and a couple people in the "rubberhose / cuphead" style.
Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

Sharing this update from a share on Mastodon about Clint (aka LGR / lazygamereviews). Please share if you can.


Yeah I used to get into occasional spats with him and his followers before i left twitter so I am unfortunately familiar


Yeah. Coaster brakes. My nieces have bikes with both hand brakes and the pedal-activated ones. I had a similar setup as a kid.


Yeah the one lever isn't connected to anything but I like having the hoods and wanted symmetry I also had the shop set it up moto style so the right lever controls the front brake Only been riding fixed for a couple of years and working up to maybe eventually riding brakeless

Reposted by Board-Certified Rat Bastard

hey pal… you just blow in from stupid town?


Oh my god i had forgotten how utterly embarrasing zubys music is

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Board-Certified Rat Bastard
[he / him] // Fixed Gear Psychopath, Occasional MAMIL, Satanist, Philosophical Naturalist // Interested in surrealist art, extreme metal, video games, old books / films and shitshow politics
679 followers683 following4.4k posts