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Courtney Milan
She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
19.8k followers493 following14.2k posts

If you ever want to read an story about people moving for climate reasons, this story talking about people who moved to Asheville, NC, a listed climate haven, and having to deal with forest fires two years ago (plus the last few days) is…well.

No Safe Haven
No Safe Haven

As more people move to “climate havens” like Western North Carolina, they are learning nowhere is immune from climate concerns like wildfire.


I live in one of the "climate havens" in the northeast. My apartment has flooded twice in 3 years due to hurricanes, and in the non flood year I was trapped inside all summer due to Canadian wildfires because I have asthma. Climate havens. Give me a break.


There’s so much still unknown. To think someone will be safe from this planet-wide crisis by moving somewhere is either folly or ignorance. Perhaps both, as Shakespeare said. Lots of unforeseen side effects yet to be discovered.


I have (mostly) nothing but sympathy for people who were just trying to figure out the safest place to live. But I do think that we need to jettison the idea that we know what the risks look like.

I’m confident we made the right call,” said Hanna, “but we moved early enough that there’s still questions about it. Was this the right thing to do? Did we need to do this?”

“There is climate risk everywhere,” he continued. “The fact that we have fires here isn’t awesome, but the risk of all the other natural disasters is much lower here.”

For the Hoaglands, moving to Asheville wasn’t a panacea, but it has lowered their stress somewhat. They still have go bags, but now they keep them in their garage instead of by their front door. Melissa described the feeling the Poplar Drive Fire engendered in her as “a very uncomfortable sense of déjà vu.

I remember climate scientists years ago saying to move away from the coasts, away from the equator, and towards potable water. That this advice didn't guarantee no climate effects, as we don't know much about how global warming would affect weather.


Yeah. There isn't a safe place, really. Just some that have fewer hazards at the moment, but one drought, one hurricane, one blizzard, one earthquake....


So many people still don't realize there is no place to run.

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Courtney Milan
She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
19.8k followers493 following14.2k posts