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Space Coeurl
A space cat in space. Born in the late 80s. Taurus, Brown-Earth-Dragon. Californian.
7 followers33 following53 posts

being away from Wade seems to lessen to urge to bend him over the closest flat surface but his thoughts circle back to Wade. The impulse to go back home, back to Wade is overpowering. He tries to control it, tries to center himself but hes already getting up and walk towards the apartment


When they make it back to their apartment and Logan makes himself scarce. Or tries to. He leaves the apartment, waving away Wade's questions but there are only so many places he can go. Its late, most places are closed and hes been trying to avoid bars. He sits in a park for awhile, skin itching


Logan tells Wade to fuck himself but inside hes screaming. Every accidental brush against Wade drives him half mad. He tries to keep a space between them, not enough to make it obvious hes doing it but enough ti keep his sanity in check. Despite this, Wade keeps managing to touch him.


That simply isnt whats gonna happen. Its NOT. So Logan gathers his willpower, puts it in a firm headlock, and gets his head back into the fight. Together they manage to subdue the witch, collect their paycheck and head home. Wade teases on Logan's flushed state, asking if Logan has a thing for him


He absolutely canNOT let Wade see him in this state. This isnt how things were meant to go. He is NOT going to fuck Wade out on the street in front of stunned passerbys and henchmen. Wade is NOT going to find out that Logan is hot for him by way of some magic bullshit


The only thing saving Logan from being noticed at the moment is the cup he's wearing and Wade's distracted bickering with the witch. He's flushed down to his chest, eyes dialated and has to stop himself repeatedly from simply walking over to Wade to touch him.


So. Wade gets cursed. A witch (me) casts a spell on him. She tells him that for the next 24 hours, everyone he encounters that is attracted to him will be overcome with the urge to fuck him. Logan is with him. Wade is vocally unconcerned. Logan has the fight of his life trying to appear unaffected


I read an absolutely excellent poolverine fic that got my gears turning so im gonna .. well generally speaking im gonna throw plot bunnies onto the sky here. And use this post as an excuse to explore posting options

Reposted by Space Coeurl


Reposted by Space Coeurl
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Space Coeurl
A space cat in space. Born in the late 80s. Taurus, Brown-Earth-Dragon. Californian.
7 followers33 following53 posts