Damian Valle
Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Practice, MA in MilHis, volunteer archivist, and sporadic podcaster #RegioEsercito and #WarInItaly 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇮🇹
38 followers30 following99 posts

#OTD in 1944 the Italian partisan Silvio Corbari was executed by nazi-fascist troops. Corbari was famous for his twisted sense of humour: in one occasion he distracted the attention of the local garrison using a bomb made of pasta and beans and he used to dress up as an ... 🧵1/2


🧵2/2 officer to infiltrate garrisons as a beggar or farmer. One day, after an ambush the Fascist declared his death, but he survived. Few days later he walked into a café full of surprised Fascist, drank his coffee and then defaced the picture of Mussolini before escaping RIP

Damian Valle
Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Practice, MA in MilHis, volunteer archivist, and sporadic podcaster #RegioEsercito and #WarInItaly 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇮🇹
38 followers30 following99 posts