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hater since birth #iwtv

start. two sketches of bailey bass' claudia from interview with the vampire. one is of her looking very cute, but annoyed. the next sketch is of her, still annoyed, loudly proclaiming that "it smells AWFUL." end.
start. a sketch of the vampire claudia. she is flipping off the viewer. end.

claudia and lestat sketches #iwtv

start. a bust drawing of the vampire lestat from interview with the vampire. end.
start. bust drawing of the vampire claudia. end.

it's morning. #iwtv

start. an illustration of the vampire armand from interview with the vampire in a very blocky style. he stands, slightly hunched, in front of a window covered in newspapers, with the curtain to the side. the room is dark and barely illuminated. end.

vampiresses i drew at the turn of october #iwtv

start. the vampiresses claudia and madeleine from interview with the vampire. claudia is in a blue dress with a black overcoat, with red lipstick that compliments her eyes and her wine. madeleine is in a red suit with a blue tie. claudia is lit by a bright stagelight. claudia smiles and hugs herself with one arm, and holds a wineglass with another. madeleine's arms rest where claudia sits, and she looks up at her companion fondly. end.

i keep imagining beautiful terrible people in beautiful terrible places #iwtv

start. the vampires louis and claudia travelling through a field of flowers, backed by pink clouds, trees, and a full moon. a river runs down the center, twisting into the distance. claudia is trekking forward. louis is looking back. end.

still proud of this one #iwtv

start. fanart of the vampire claudia from interview with the vampire. in the background is delainey's claudia in a black coat with a collar, who is out of focus. in front of her is a line of developing photographs, with one hiding her face. the one hiding her face reveals the eyes of bailey's claudia. there's writing on the photo that says, "claudia", with a question mark. end.

(armand voice) you will die in seven days. #iwtv

start. a comic featuring the vampire armand and daniel molloy.
panel 1: armand and daniel facing each other. light illuminates the back of armand, and shadows fall to the front of his face. no light illuminates daniel. daniel is wide eyed and nervous. armand's gaze is half dead, half apocalyptic. armand says to daniel, "i hate you. i fucking hate you."
panel 2: a close up on daniel, face flushed and eyebrows furrowed. he whimpers in response to armand's statement, to which armand (who is offscreen) says, "you are a tar pit." end.

the vampire madeleine you have to stop. your heart too big. your smoke too tough. your bitch too bad. they'll kill you #iwtv

start. a comic featuring the vampires armand and madeleine from interview with the vampire. 
panel 1: armand and madeleine sitting next to each other on a blue couch next to a bookshelf. armand is facing the viewer, but he looks to madeleine. madeline faces armand. madeleine says, "i am fifty percent murder, seventy percent skills, and finally- eighty percent fashion."
panel 2: a closeup of armand. he tilts his head to the right slightly towards madeleine, and says, "that amounts to two hundred, child."
panel 3: a closeup of madeleine. she tilts her head slightly away from armand, eyes bright and coy. she says, "consider, then, that i am twice the vampire you are." end.

first post on here is claudia cause she deserves it #iwtv

start. a painting featuring claudia, dream-stat, and louis from interview with the vampire. claudia is the centerpoint of the piece, looking forward to louis who's back is facing the viewer. her eyes shine, and she is illuminated in a soft orange light. out of focus and behind claudia, dream-stat looks down to her, pensive. there's cursive text above claudia, saying, "if you were the last vampire on earth..." end.
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