Elrond Hubbard
Reporter. Free-born man of the USA. Here, examining the dangerous delusions that afflict our politics and our media.
338 followers216 following5.8k posts

Similarly, the New Yorker had Andy Borowitz posting his lazy, flaccid news parodies, and drawing tons of traffic. How many people who were drawn in by such shameless clickbait became subscribers? Unknown, but people at both places told me the effect was essentially nil. Meaning that the ROI was nil.


I despise Borowitz, but that was far less odious than MoJo's hiring and defenses of Dreyfuss, who in the years since he's left has revealed just how horrible a person he is, making fun of fat women, etc. At least Borowitz kinda-sorta fit in with the NYer's mission, even if his work was terrible.

Elrond Hubbard
Reporter. Free-born man of the USA. Here, examining the dangerous delusions that afflict our politics and our media.
338 followers216 following5.8k posts