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Dan VerstÀndig
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Reposted by Dan VerstÀndig

Ich stelle Christian Lindner in Frage.

Mögliche Preiserhöhung Finanzminister Lindner
stellt 49-Euro-Ticket infrage
Subvention oder Investition: Laut Christian Lindner kann die Deutsche Bahn nur dann modernisiert werden, wenn das Deutschlandticket teurer wird. Abschaffen will
er das Angebot aber nicht.

Ja, das stimmt. Hat mich auch fertig gemacht.


Noch immer fĂŒhrt Russland einen Angriffskrieg auf europĂ€ischem Gebiet. Noch immer werden Zivilisten von Russen getötet. 
Die Dokumentation handelt von 20 Tagen in

Reposted by Dan VerstÀndig

Welche Chancen bietet das Civic Data Lab fĂŒr die


Ja, schon gesehen und mit Schrecken festgestellt, dass mir manche Namen nicht unbekannt sind. MerkwĂŒrdige Entwicklungen. Denke viel darĂŒber nach.

Reposted by Dan VerstÀndig

Wichtiger Impuls von (Bildungsraum digital). BildungsrĂ€te mĂŒssen auch GestaltungsrĂ€ume fĂŒr kulturelle Praxen in der DigitalitĂ€t schaffen. DigitalitĂ€t und Kommunikation

Reposted by Dan VerstÀndig

Anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish hate online stems from the same fringe, white supremacist communities who target both groups interchangeably, finds Hobbs,

Anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish attitudes among respondents in the American Mosaic Project 2014 survey. Each jittered black point in the top panel of this figure represents the number of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim attitudes reported by a White, Non-Hispanic respondent—the sum of yes responses to seven statements, including “They don’t share my morals or values” and “They want to take over our political institutions.” Purple ellipses represent a normal data ellipses for responses conditional on any problem (bottom left corner) and average conditional on a sum of problems across both groups greater than 10 (top right corner). Using the same data, the bottom two panels display the average number of problems attributed to a group conditional on the number of problems attributed to the other group
This figure displays change in mentions of Jews and Muslims or Arabs that contained predicted hate speech compared to January 2017 among Gab users who posted every month January 2017 through August 2018
The bottom panel above displays hate crimes and bias incidents recorded by ADL and CAIR by month. The top panels compares these two sources. Overall, hate crimes and bias incidents gradually decline after the 2016 election—until a very large spike in anti-Jewish incidents in late 2018. In addition to the overall patterns potentially related to the election and inauguration of Donald Trump, we also see a longer term shift in anti-Jewish hate crimes relative to anti-Muslim hate crimes in mid-2017. This second shift mirrors the activity on fringe social media sites around Unite the Right
Anti-Muslim or Arab and anti-Jewish aggravated assault, murders, manslaughter, arson, and kidnapping recorded in the FBI UCR data by month

In letzter Zeit mache ich mir viel Gedanken darĂŒber, was ich wo noch zu teilen oder zu posten habe & angesichts der krisenartigen Entwicklungen fĂ€llt es mir noch schwerer. Dennoch mag ich Mastodon nach wie vor sehr. Dort bin ich unter ( zu finden.

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Dan VerstÀndig
Ich mag Mastodon:
180 followers395 following9 posts