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Robbert Larson
Some dude currently trapped in Florida. I’m a nerd for video games, science, and physics. Sometimes comics. Occasionally anime, but I’m not weird about it. Work from home aficionado. Gen Xer, and glad people have mostly forgotten about us
8 followers42 following154 posts

I read the article. It was incoherent rambling based on wild assumptions. Ironic you would complain about the other guy’s “colossal arrogance” while being oblivious to your own.


So incoherent. If that were true, why bother to respond? What is going on is that you are trying to attack me because you can’t attack the logic. You don’t address any of the logic or facts I discuss, because, , why? I think it’s because you’re weak. Weak minded, stupid frankly.

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Robbert Larson
Some dude currently trapped in Florida. I’m a nerd for video games, science, and physics. Sometimes comics. Occasionally anime, but I’m not weird about it. Work from home aficionado. Gen Xer, and glad people have mostly forgotten about us
8 followers42 following154 posts