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Still for now allowing self-experiments on societal media He/him
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Thank the FSM Roy Cooper (D) is governor, although I'm sure many in the other party will WANT these people to stay disenfranchised. #Helene#NC

Major NC USPS alert. All retail and delivery mail services are suspended in zip codes beginning in 286, 287, 288, 289, and also 39 other listed post offices. Besides the human tragedy, for election officials who could not place 190,000 absentee ballots in the mail until Sept 24 because of an 18-day delay ordered by a vote of the State Supreme Court, this is also a major potential threat to voting, especially since the 2023 legislative session ended the 3-day grace period.

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Keep Going
Still for now allowing self-experiments on societal media He/him
57 followers211 following451 posts