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David Jón Fuller
Writer. Editor. Interested in history, knitting, baking, cycling infrastructure, not necessarily in that order. Talar smá íslensku. He/him.
322 followers596 following1.8k posts

I'm sorry to hear that. It's terrible and wearing and it can be really hard to work up yet another story on spec and send it out there. (BTW: I think the value of taking a pause from submitting is not given enough weight in writing advice. It's so easy to burn out and forget the joy of creating.)


SO HARD. But it's distracting me from novel submitting lol. Kind of. (Yeah this is true! Not sure I'm there yet but something to keep in my back pocket)

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David Jón Fuller
Writer. Editor. Interested in history, knitting, baking, cycling infrastructure, not necessarily in that order. Talar smá íslensku. He/him.
322 followers596 following1.8k posts