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“The Doppelganger documents reveal the degree to which Russian political actors still rely on tools from Soviet so-called active measures, albeit abetted by new technologies and given new names.”

The Lies Russia Tells Itself
The Lies Russia Tells Itself

The country’s propagandists target the West—but mislead the kremlin, too.


“The flare-up underscores the security challenge facing López Obrador’s successor, president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, who takes office next week. It also underlines the high cost Mexicans pay for the US strategy of extracting kingpins to try them for their crimes.”

US arrests spark cartel ‘war’ in northern Mexico: ‘Like a narco pandemic’
US arrests spark cartel ‘war’ in northern Mexico: ‘Like a narco pandemic’

Sinaloa city rocked by killings and kidnappings in the aftermath of the capture of accused kingpin ‘El Mayo’


“The absence of collective self-defense like NATO in Asia means that wars are likely to break out because there is no obligation for mutual defense. Under these circumstances, the creation of an Asian version of NATO is essential to deter China by its Western allies.”

Shigeru Ishiba on Japan’s New Security Era: The Future of Japan’s Foreign Policy
Shigeru Ishiba on Japan’s New Security Era: The Future of Japan’s Foreign Policy

Shigeru Ishiba, the next prime minister of Japan, exclusively shared his views recently on the future of Japan’s foreign policy in response to a request from Hudson Institute’s Japan Chair. The follow...


“The EU’s first defence commissioner wants to force countries to stockpile minimum levels of ammunition and other supplies, saying it is the best way to scale up the bloc’s undersized arms industry to ready it for war.”

EU’s defence commissioner wants obligatory ammunition stockpiles
EU’s defence commissioner wants obligatory ammunition stockpiles

Andrius Kubilius, named as the bloc’s first military head, says western Europe must prepare for Russian attacks


“A senior executive at one of Taiwan's top industrial conglomerates has been barred from leaving China, heightening concerns about the risks of traveling there amid tense cross-strait relations.”

China blocks Taiwan executive from returning home
China blocks Taiwan executive from returning home

Incident seen fueling further Taiwanese concerns about doing business in China


“National police have been struggling to tackle the global operations of criminal groups, and the ability to read their messages is a key element in prosecuting them.”

Global police dismantle encrypted messaging app used by criminals
Global police dismantle encrypted messaging app used by criminals

Ghost platform was used to distribute drugs and order hits by gangs in many countries


“Moscow paid and trained a ring of insurgents in a bid to overthrow Armenia’s pro-Western government earlier this year, prosecutors in the country have said, but local security forces disrupted the alleged plot.”

Russia tried to stage coup in Armenia, prosecutors allege
Russia tried to stage coup in Armenia, prosecutors allege

A traditional Moscow ally, Armenia has pivoted to the West since the Ukraine war began, and its PM now says it could seek EU membership.


“China prefers to deal with claimant countries bilaterally rather than as a group, making it easier for Beijing to violate each countrys sovereign rights. Presenting a united front against China will be essential to deterring Beijing from further provocations.”

America and the Philippines Should Call China’s Bluff
America and the Philippines Should Call China’s Bluff

Short-term deals won’t force Beijing to back down in the South China Sea.


“De vele explosies hebben de identiteit en locatie van Hezbollah-sleutelfiguren en hun families ontmaskerd. Mensen die anders onbekend zouden zijn gebleven.”

Dag na ontploffende piepers is Libanon in shock
Dag na ontploffende piepers is Libanon in shock

Correspondent Daisy Mohr over de nasleep van de ontploffende semafoons.


“Control over the supply chain means the West would be reliant on tech that China could at any moment stop supplying, or the suppliers could be ordered by the Chinese government to disrupt the cables’ operation.”

The West has a plan to keep China, Russia out of subsea data pipes
The West has a plan to keep China, Russia out of subsea data pipes

The initiative is reminiscent of attempts to kick China out of 5G infrastructure.

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