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Aaron Lord 🎻
.NET developer in Northern California • former worship leader now exvangelical • player of Irish traditional music 🎻• INTJ • he/him
147 followers264 following299 posts
Reposted by Aaron Lord 🎻

Biggest propaganda triumph of the last 20 years is that anyone—ANYONE—professes that the Biden years were worse that the Trump years. "Are you better off than you were four years ago??" Yeah, I HAVE TOILET PAPER, FOR INSTANCE.


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johnfugelsang @ 1d
A Thread
OK, I'll grant you that there might be a few areas where it's fair to compare Trump to Hitler - but just a few:
-Like Trump, Hitler was a right wing, pro-militarist white nationalist.
-Like Trump, Hitler publicly despised immigrants, and demonized & targeted certain groups for exclusion.
-Like Trump, Hitler was anti-LGBT & banned abortions for "citizens."
-Like Trump, Hitler scapegoated a powerless minority as "vermin" "infestation" & "poisoning the blood of the nation."
07.1K Q370 @1.5K P 174
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johnfugelsang @ 1d
-Like Trump, Hitler was a scab who hated labor unions & collective bargaining.
-Like Trump, Hitler used the pretext of "law and order" to justify the expansion of police powers.
-Like Trump. Hitler promised mass
Reply to johnfugelsang
-Like Trump, Hitler promised mass deportations of undesirable minorities.
-Like Trump, Hitler relaxed the stricter gun control laws of the liberal govt that had come before.
-Like Trump, Hitler promised to restore order & discipline through strong, authoritarian leadership.
0 1.6K |
Q2 C174 733
johnfugelsang @ 1d
-Like Trump, Hitler supported conservative religious education in the public schools.
-Like Trump, Hitler used excessive Nationalist propaganda and attacked the press as fake.
-Like Trump, Hitler organized large, theatrical rallies where he promised screaming fans he would root out Marxists and crush their enemies.
-Like Trump, Hitler's most fanatical support came from rural, socially conservative Protestants.
-Like Trump, Hitler pretended to be Christian.
014к Q2 @136 V5
johnfugelsang @ 1d
-"We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater & in
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the press- in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past... (few) years." -Right Wing Adolf.
O 1.2K
johnfugelsang @ 1d
And, Threads removed the end of the thread.
0707 Q13 @ 30
johnfugelsang & 1d (another attempt)
Having said all this, I wish AH had been more like DT - spending all his time golfing, watching TV, alienating his allies, getting arrested for stupid corruption & consuming massive amounts of trans fats.

My #CPAP#SleepApnea (this shit is expensive, btw)

Reposted by Aaron Lord 🎻

Many years ago, I specifically asked my immigration lawyer if I could be deported for participating in protests if my university decides to suspend me and this in turn jeopardizes my F-1. He said it would be unprecedented. Well, now it's not unprecedented :((( Horrible really

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Aaron Lord 🎻
.NET developer in Northern California • former worship leader now exvangelical • player of Irish traditional music 🎻• INTJ • he/him
147 followers264 following299 posts