Dan Farber
Law professor and director of Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment at UC Berkeley
18 followers40 following5 posts

Trump told Fox that climate change would cause sea level to rise "one-eighth of an inch in 400 years." Turns out, he got that from a source that said "one-eight of an inch per year." That's about four feet in 400 years.. My guess is that he didn't do too well with story problems in grade school.


They say the perfect is the enemy of the good. In climate policy, this is true in spades: Waiting in the hopes of getting a perfect policy leaves extra CO2 warming the planet for centuries -- even IF the gamble pays off and you eventually get the ideal policy.

Why a Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush — Especially When the Issue is Climate Change - Legal Planet
Why a Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush — Especially When the Issue is Climate Change - Legal Planet

We can’t afford to turn down half-measures in the hope of getting perfect climate policies later — delay is just too costly. When your house is on fire, you can’t wait to act until Amazon delivers you...


People seem strangely unaware of just how much Biden has done about climate change. He's unleashed a bevy of climate actions. Here's a partial listing, including only the thirty biggest initiatives. A complete U-turn from Trump's climate denial.

30 Major Climate Initiatives Under Biden - Legal Planet
30 Major Climate Initiatives Under Biden - Legal Planet

When you look at President Biden's climate record as a whole, you see how broad and deep his policies have been.


Trump's reelection would wipe out the last four years of climate action, set off a massive expansion of fossil fuel production, gut EPA's budget and accumulated expertise, and pack the lower federal courts with anti-regulatory zealots.

Pouring Gas on a Five Alarm Fire - Legal Planet
Pouring Gas on a Five Alarm Fire - Legal Planet

Trump not only wants to roll back all federal climate policies; he also wants to ramp up fossil fuel production through the roof. A true climate arsonist.

Dan Farber
Law professor and director of Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment at UC Berkeley
18 followers40 following5 posts