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Alex Howard
Dad, writer, cyclist, citizen, cereal dilettante. Earnest advocate for freedom of info, open governance, & digital democracy. Lover of the Oxford Comma, hater of hubris. Recovering journalist. Trying to move carefully, & fix things.
2.1k followers660 following1.9k posts

We will need a 21st Century Homesteading Act to help the growing number of Americas displaced by climate change Comprehensive immigration reform, infrastructure investments, & energy are table stakes to prepare for what’s yet to come.

We need a 21st Century Homesteading Act to help Americans displaced by climate change
We need a 21st Century Homesteading Act to help Americans displaced by climate change

As always, thank you for subscribing and amplifying Civic Texts, which will not be sustainable without you. Many thanks to everyone who has supported my work, particularly folks who have subscribed to...


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Alex Howard
Dad, writer, cyclist, citizen, cereal dilettante. Earnest advocate for freedom of info, open governance, & digital democracy. Lover of the Oxford Comma, hater of hubris. Recovering journalist. Trying to move carefully, & fix things.
2.1k followers660 following1.9k posts