Diogenes of Snarkadia
Wit & one liners about science, pseudoscience & anti-science. Pronouns: Jack/Bub.
459 followers416 following4.8k posts

At a moment of very low self esteem in my life, I dated an evangelical Christian. We argued about religion. I'd say, "Who did Jesus hang around with? Prostitutes, the homeless, the chronically ill." She said, "He didn't really like those people. He was just pretending!"


It’s kind of darkly funny if you think about it… By their own theology, the supreme omnipotent creator and sustainer of the universe feels obligated to… play pretend so as not to… Offend someone? Annoy people? What is it that He would be so worried about?

Diogenes of Snarkadia
Wit & one liners about science, pseudoscience & anti-science. Pronouns: Jack/Bub.
459 followers416 following4.8k posts