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Emissary Of Night | ليلى
A person can only be born in one place. However, he may die several times elsewhere: in the exiles and prisons, and in a homeland transformed by the occupation and oppression into a nightmare.
6.8k followers304 following54 posts

To be frank Coates is more educated on the plight of Palestinians by virtue of having actually witnessed the segregation of Hebron first hand.


Indeed. I speak Arabic, but I haven't visited Palestine/Israel, and don't study it. Someone who has spent time there should be more credible on the topic than I am.

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Emissary Of Night | ليلى
A person can only be born in one place. However, he may die several times elsewhere: in the exiles and prisons, and in a homeland transformed by the occupation and oppression into a nightmare.
6.8k followers304 following54 posts