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Don Moynihan
Policy Professor, Ford School, University of Michigan. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter, Can We Still Govern?:
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Not the main point here, but Leo was complaining about that anti-Catholic bias was at its most intense in American history at a time when the President and two-thirds of the Supreme Court were Catholic

Leo has an overarching agenda. In a 2022 speech he made upon receiving the John Paul II New Evangelization Award at the Catholic Information Center, he warned fellow Catholics: “Catholic evangelization faces extraordinary threats and hurdles. Our culture is more hateful and intolerant of Catholicism than at any other point in our lives. It despises who we are, what we profess and how we act.”

Yeah but when you consider the fact that he and his gang think one of the biggest threats to Catholicism is <checks notes> the current Pope, well then it starts to make sense why he thinks that way.


In fairness the right-wing press has routinely savaged then.president for attending mass


Gee, we wonder why that is? Could it be that we finally worked out that Opus Dei is pulling the levers behind the GQP? Mind you, the same GQP that was once the bastion of the SBC. You know, the ones who said that "Catholics aren't real Christians and the Pope is the Antichrist".


No Leo, you are the Catholic we’re biased against.


Well, yes, but half the country is chanting “LGB” so it is obviously anti catholic!


Not coincidentally, a fixation of Leonard Leo's patron, who argued in Espinoza v. Montana that Establishment-Clause secularism in school policy is an anti-Catholic plot with roots in the Klan

Cite as: 591 U. S. ____ (2020) 7 
ALITO, J., concurring 
of systems of public schools . . . free from sectarian control.” Act of Feb. 22, 1889, §4, 25 Stat. 677; see also Becket Fund Brief 17–18 (quoting one Senator’s description of the Act as “‘completing the unfinished work of the failed Blaine Amendment’”). Montana thereafter adopted its constitutional rule against public funding for any school “controlled” by a “sect.” Mont. Const., Art. XI, §8 (1889). There appears to have been no doubt which schools that meant. As petitioners show, Montana’s religious schools—and its private schools in general—were predominantly Catholic, see Brief for Petitioners 42, and n. 41, and anti-Catholicism was alive in Montana too. See, e.g., Sen. Daines Brief 1–3 (describing a riot over an anti-Catholic sign hung over a Butte saloon on Independence Day, 1894). Respondents argue that Montana’s no-aid provision merely reflects a state interest in “preserv[ing] funding for public schools,” Brie

The baseball head guy hit the roof when I said that about the Court, like, ten years ago or something.


The entire military industrial complex is taxpayer funded wealth redistribution to mostly conservative people. Military spending is what we do with the vast majority of our money & it ends up in very few pockets. It's never made sense to me why there isn't more outrage about that.


to that i will quote my lutheran grandfather - goddamn catholics


Ha! I remember JFK being a papal puppet, bruv.

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Don Moynihan
Policy Professor, Ford School, University of Michigan. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter, Can We Still Govern?:
27.4k followers990 following5.3k posts