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Sidetrack 3113
I swear to god I never thought this would happen But now that I think about it, it's all been leading here
499 followers104 following3.2k posts

PSA: Voting isn't dating. You can't wait for "the one." It's more like public transport. Either you pick the one that's getting you the closest to where you wanna go or you ain't gonna get there at all.PSA: Voting isn't dating. You can't wait for "the one." It's more like public transport. Either you pick the one that's getting you the closest to where you wanna go or you ain't gonna get there at all.


Exactly what I feel. At least gonna vote for someone that I may not like some policies but would at least LISTEN compared to the side who outright is celebrating sabotaging all busses not on the same route with no care for input.


Very well said. Waiting and hoping for a miraculous third party candidate that’s going to solve all of America’s problems isn’t going to do us any good. We have to be pragmatic and do the best with the options available to us.


"Oh so that means I should just accept and cheer for someone who I disagree with just because they're less bad?" No, dipshit, it means get on the fucking bus and once you've made it to your destination you can worry about calling the city to add more stops."Oh so that means I should just accept and cheer for someone who I disagree with just because they're less bad?" No, dipshit, it means get on the fucking bus and once you've made it to your destination you can worry about calling the city to add more stops.


Im not even American but i find it sad that people that dont like (Option A), wont vote for them, despite (Optipn B) winning being an insanely worse outcome. Or "(A) will win anyway, i dont have to vote" And those people will be confused why (B) won ._.


Okay, I want a second round of Nurembergs at Hague’s War Crime Tribunals on the corner of Arms Embargo St and Ceasefire Ave, but all the buses in the area are going in the opposite direction toward Holocaust Hill and Fascist Field. Why should I get on a bus that takes me away from my destination?


I also like to liken it to being in an airplane whose engines have gone out. We're choosing between someone who will at least try to glide it to a safe, if rough, landing, at which point we can look into repairing or replacing the plane, or someone who's gonna just nosedive into the ground.


It’s that, and having one side bitch at your for “not having a car” and the other for “not using a bike.” It’s like, “yo, I’m doing what works for me. Don’t like it, put it in your pipe and smoke it.”


I wish more people understood this. Nobody teaches this in school, and the results of that show in the moment of truth.


This is SPOT ON! You never find the 'perfect' candidate.

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Sidetrack 3113
I swear to god I never thought this would happen But now that I think about it, it's all been leading here
499 followers104 following3.2k posts