Doug Parr chief sci, policy director
1.8k followers390 following410 posts

There are hardly any functioning states who are not signed up to the Paris Agreement on climate change, but by its actions the Falkland Islands is choosing to ignore it The proposed oil field off its coast is about 5 times the size of Rosebank in North Sea

Falklands risks diplomatic row with Britain over plans to drill huge oil field
Falklands risks diplomatic row with Britain over plans to drill huge oil field

UK powerless to stop overseas territory from extracting 800m barrels of oil


UK was the birthplace of the industrial revolution and the first major nation to use coal power over 140 years ago. It is now the first major nation to quit it This is the culmination of civil society pushing and action going back to 2006. Well done to all involved

Britain becomes first G7 nation to end coal power with last plant closure
Britain becomes first G7 nation to end coal power with last plant closure

Britain's last remaining coal power plant, Ratcliffe-on-Soar in Nottinghamshire, will stop electricity generation on Monday after 57 years of operation. The closure aligns with the government's coalā€¦


Climate protestor causing bit of damage to a picture frame gets 2-year jail sentence A lot more than someone causing '3rd degree physical injury with deadly weapon' That sentence for trying to raise awareness of a deadly problem? Courts totally losing the plot here

Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for throwing soup on Sunflowers
Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for throwing soup on Sunflowers

Just Stop Oil activists Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland threw tomato soup over Van's Gogh's piece.


Companies working in the North Sea, claiming they need to keep digging up fossil fuels so they could create the funding for the green transition & renewables? Turns out to be basically untrue Who would have thought?

North Sea oil and gas firms in UK ā€˜failing to invest in renewable energyā€™
North Sea oil and gas firms in UK ā€˜failing to invest in renewable energyā€™

Three-quarters plan to invest solely in continued fossil fuel production between now and 203o, research shows

Reposted by Doug Parr

This is a good piece, although hopefully an issue that will be resolved soon. It highlights how much of the challenge of a net zero grid is about making the system work. I suspect this - know-how to run a net zero system - is a bigger export opportunity for the UK than making turbines or batteries


China expected to spend more on wind and solar power next year than the rest of the world put together

Reposted by Doug Parr

The floods that killed 24 people in Central Europe were caused by rainfall made twice as likely and at least 7% heavier by human-caused climate change šŸ§µ Floods will become more destructive and costly with further fossil fuel warming šŸ“ˆšŸŒ§ļø Our analysis was published this morning.

A graph showing four day annual maximum rainfall in Central Europe. The 2024 value is almost a third greater than the other maximum values.

Oil industry countries continue to believe that oil demand will keep increasing right up to 2050 Of course, if they're right, then climate impacts means many societies will fragment or collapse. Which would suppress demand Still, at least they'd have made their $$

OPEC boosts long-term oil demand outlook, driven by developing world growth
OPEC boosts long-term oil demand outlook, driven by developing world growth

OPEC raised its forecasts for world oil demand for the medium and long term in an annual outlook, citing growth led by India, Africa and the Middle East and a slower shift to electric vehicles and cleaner fuels.


National Grid does good work but failure to upgrade IT systems to avoid using gas power instead of batteries, filled with cleaner power, is annoying Effective management of variable renewables is going to be a competitive space in the near future - time to up its game

Britainā€™s grid battery storage record is maddening
Britainā€™s grid battery storage record is maddening

The UK is great at building renewables but not the batteries needed to use green electricity effectively

Doug Parr chief sci, policy director
1.8k followers390 following410 posts