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Writing, books, poetry, art, gardening, GYO, natural world, open water swimming, thalassophile, indie pub, photography, baking, social & environmental justice ‘Bluesky blue sky blue..’
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Already shared in the other place, but training myself to re-post here so my favourite poetry prompt givers gain some traction. Sharing #PoemsAbout#School#PoetryCommunity#poetry#poem

an Alternative Education  a poem by Debbie Ross

I was schooled in the art of my difference from an early age
Calipers and prescription shoes setting me on a battle course with bullies and haters
It taught me well - by secondary school
I was resigned to standing out not fitting in
I channelled defiance
into my work
English teachers my white knights and heroes
Educated in perseverance the pen mightier than the fists, kicks and hateful

The line 'the pen mightier than the fists, kicks and hateful words' really highlights the strength of using words to rise above challenges. Fantastic work! #PoemsAbout#School

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Writing, books, poetry, art, gardening, GYO, natural world, open water swimming, thalassophile, indie pub, photography, baking, social & environmental justice ‘Bluesky blue sky blue..’
251 followers215 following202 posts