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Kiet Muir
Avid DnD player: way too many ocs! Way too many brainworms! Same with FFXIV too! But I love making stories for them! 🥰 Armature writer and video gamer. Amateur screenshot and gposer in XIV as well. Baldurs Gate 3 ftw!!
30 followers36 following88 posts

"Alpha," a changeling with three days of memories found wandering the woods of Barovia. Their magic is near uncontrollable, and now, a soft voice has promised them new magics in exchange for a pact. Art by the amazing 💞


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Kiet Muir
Avid DnD player: way too many ocs! Way too many brainworms! Same with FFXIV too! But I love making stories for them! 🥰 Armature writer and video gamer. Amateur screenshot and gposer in XIV as well. Baldurs Gate 3 ftw!!
30 followers36 following88 posts