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We design, build and run digital public services. dxw is employee owned. Find out more about us
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Reposted by dxw

UKCharityCamp is a free unconference for the UK charity sector. There's more space this year, and still room for more third sector folk who are into digital to learn and share. I'm going to talk about the folk who're helping make it happen. But for now: go grab a ticket.


Driving forward modern digital government - are the stars finally aligning? In this Digital Leaders’ session we'll discuss what we’ve seen in the first weeks of the new Administration that gives us cause for both optimism and concern. Join us on Monday 14 October, 1-2pm

Picture of Dave Mann presenting

Laura and Yasmine are getting caffeinated ready for today at #LocalGovCamp. Have a good one and please grab them for a chat. We want to hear about the main things on your mind. And with the Labour Party conference just gone, if there are any signs yet of the change promised by the new Government.

Laura and Yasmine at the dxw stand with a large cup of coffee

Tom shares his technical leadership journey. And why for him, trust is at the heart of an effective team and working more sustainably. "At the heart of my changes was a theme of trust. By trusting that I didn’t have to know everything to be effective I could be more confident"

The Trust-Driven Tech Lead
The Trust-Driven Tech Lead

A journey of technical leadership. How explicitly trusting people can improve a team and help you work more sustainably.


We’re expanding our network of freelance developers. We’re looking for folks with .NET experience atm, but are always getting new projects with new needs. Even if you’re not looking right now, we’d still love to hear from you. Sign up below and please share!

A small group of devs sitting with their Macs

We're really looking forward to joining everyone at tomorrow. A few of the dxw gang will be there so keep a look out for our big D banner We're always up for a chat on our approach to service design and how we tackle some of the really knotty stuff like complex legacy tech

dxw smiley face stickers and minimum viable stickers

We've worked with some of the biggest government departments to switch off and reduce reliance on legacy systems. But it's not all about technical expertise. Jane and Kath suggest three non-tech principles for decommissioning legacy tech ⬇

3 non-tech principles for decommissioning legacy systems
3 non-tech principles for decommissioning legacy systems

Here are 3 non-tech principles to keep front of mind when you’re decommissioning a legacy system, with some key insights from our delivery principal, Kath Cooper.


“Where we used to have emergencies, now we have options” Tim has written about our journey with the DfE to decommission their old Knowledge Information Management (KIM) System.

Excavation, Innovation, Transformation
Excavation, Innovation, Transformation

Tim shares how we decommissioned a legacy platform at the Department for Education


We’ve been decommissioning legacy tech in some of the biggest government departments with complex legacy estates. Where that’s not possible, we’ve found ways to build scalable services on top of these systems. Nicky shares our approach in a blog for

How to manage digital legacy transformation
How to manage digital legacy transformation

Nicky Thompson, DWX, explores how to manage digital legacy transformation as part of Building the Smarter State Week #techUKSmarterState

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We design, build and run digital public services. dxw is employee owned. Find out more about us
362 followers316 following92 posts