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a guy named Troy
Just a sick guy who likes music, Vinyl records, energy drinks, running, bird photography(and nature in general), Tattoos, Road trips, and Video games. Currently hooked on the game Valheim. Wake and Bake fan 🌲 420
395 followers483 following1.8k posts

Dr pepper. Texas loves dr pepper.


That must be where I get my appreciation for it. What I have not seen in forever is Mr. Pibb. Stores in central NY didn’t carry it and I’ve never seen it north of the border. Same with Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage. Been 15 yrs since I had that!

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a guy named Troy
Just a sick guy who likes music, Vinyl records, energy drinks, running, bird photography(and nature in general), Tattoos, Road trips, and Video games. Currently hooked on the game Valheim. Wake and Bake fan 🌲 420
395 followers483 following1.8k posts