Somhairle Kelly
Queer, trans, disabled, he/they. Artist, designer, amateur material culture historian, ex-nanomaterials scientist. Open University environmental science student. Welsh, living in Scotland by the sea.
111 followers101 following456 posts
Reposted by Somhairle Kelly

This is an utterly brilliant analysis of the source of our communal dread. As much as we scientists have pounded on this for decades, leave it to a novelist to help us understand what is really happening. 🌏🧪

Our leaders are collaborators with fossil fuel colonialists. This is the source of our communal dread | Tim Winton
Our leaders are collaborators with fossil fuel colonialists. This is the source of our communal dread | Tim Winton

The lassitude that distinguishes our moment is born of sorrow and buried rage. We act like colonial subjects because, in effect, that’s what we are


There's a nonzero chance climate change could interrupt their supply lines and relief missions, to be fair!

Reposted by Somhairle Kelly

Oh, go on then.

Text: "Get to know my music taste. For every like, I will post one song I love."

Some idle fountain pen sketching - Lamy Safari, Vinta Overcast ink, Leuchtturm paper.

A low-canopied leafless tree.
The same tree, at an angle to try and show off the gold shimmer.
Reposted by Somhairle Kelly

This is a post I wrote this time last year, about how the instinct for those of us in the keyboardy professional climate spaces to immediately hand-wring about "optics" around climate protest results in us hugely helping right-wing authoritarian pro-fossil forces

Australia is killing climate protest. Where’s the solidarity?
Australia is killing climate protest. Where’s the solidarity?

Australian state governments are cracking down on climate protest. They need your solidarity and your voice now more than ever


The Fair Emilye (Emily Wilding Davison) principle.


Fundamentally, there is no form of protest "They" will accept. No form of "our needs and our priorities matter!", no process of taking the future into our own hands. So direct action without both tangible results and community defense is papier-mache politics. 5/5


Even with the transition underway, the inspirational Nike style slogans are still saying "your household income doesn't matter" and "your customers don't matter". I'm on board with protesting government & corporate inaction, and I don't want people to be "polite" about it. 4/N


Nobody's going to read about a JSO operation and go "goodness, people care enough to do THAT?" They're going to go "look, this is complicated, simplistic messaging won't help", even if they don't put it that way. I live in Aberdeenshire - we're practically made of oil. 3/N


These are suffragette-era tactics, a mixture of awareness-raising and "we won't go away till you fix the problem". But it's not the same kind of problem they were addressing, with a clear historic injustice and a clear remedy. And these days, we're all aware! 2/N

Somhairle Kelly
Queer, trans, disabled, he/they. Artist, designer, amateur material culture historian, ex-nanomaterials scientist. Open University environmental science student. Welsh, living in Scotland by the sea.
111 followers101 following456 posts