Holder of a 33rd Degree Black Belt in the Martial Art (and craft) of constructing Origami Boulders. Amateur Zabaglionist. He/him
148 followers159 following1k posts

I have mentioned before that my video viewing skews told old detective shows. Columbo, The Rockford Files, Kojak, Quincy, etc etc. These are generally available on Freevee (Amazon's free service). I tell you this so I can tell you something else.


The easiest job in the world, and one that I covet, is whoever is in charge of ads for these channels. I've been watching this stuff for months now, switching around depending on the time of day, and they are ALWAYS THE SAME no matter what you're watching.

Holder of a 33rd Degree Black Belt in the Martial Art (and craft) of constructing Origami Boulders. Amateur Zabaglionist. He/him
148 followers159 following1k posts