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Peashooter Coco Model Number: CMN-045 Height: 172 cm (5’6”) Weight: 160 kg (353 lbs) Power: 6400rp Speed: 4800rp Energy: Solar Energy Gear: Power Weapon: Pea Sentry Origin: Kingdom-dragonheart Manufacturer: Frutiga Wildlife Conservation

Peashooter Coco was modified for both defense and combat, by "planting" some of her robotic plants that shoot, defend, and blast her intruders out of her base. She was once a human gardener, trying to fend off against a hoard of zombies, but she got shot from behind, only to be brought to life as a zombie, in search of the backstabber from beyond the grave.

While she was on her search for that backstabber, Impy, finding that, not only the Tri-Dullahan, but the undead gardener caught his eye, managed to kidnap her and the others, as well as retrieving their missing bodies, thus turning her into a combat zombot. (Get it? Zom-bot? It's a Plants vs. Zombies reference.)

Even after death, and roboticization, she's still herself, as her will to live as a gardener made her end up as the one who likes to tend to her botanical buddies. She has two weapons: Pea Sentry, a deployable weapon that shoots peas and can be of garden variety, and Leaf Barrier, a weapon that blocks incoming attacks.
Under her helmet is Peashooter Coco, herself, as if her hairstyle remained the same. Her helmet is intentionally broken to reflect her undead appearance.

Cyclone Lexi Model Number: CMN-044 Height: 162 cm (5’3”) Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs) Power: 8600rp Speed: 9000rp Energy: Wind Energy Gear: Speed Weapon: Cyclone Spin Origin: JJSponge120 Manufacturer: Neo Future Electronics

Cyclone Lexi was modified for aerial combat with super speed and the ability to create tornadoes that could easily blow away everything along her path.

In life, she's a genetically-engineered superhuman with unique abilities and the ability to survive out in the world without supervision. Out of all of the superhumans, she became the leader of her own team, Team Tornado. She possesses super speed and the ability to twist her body to create tornadoes to blow her foes away, but she's not always the brightest and tends to get impetuous. That is, until Impy managed to kidnap those teenagers, including herself, mechanizing them into super fighting robots.

Thanks to her extreme speed that she has, Cyclone Lexi became the elite aerial combat robot to lead in a ton of flying robots to patrol the skies. There has been reports showing that she made a great partnership with a certain someone who has a spool of ribbon who can help mark some territories for her.
Under her helmet is Cyclone Lexi, herself, as if her hairstyle remained the same. Her helmet looked a bit similar to her actual hair, but she'd rather feel the breeze from her hair, instead.

Greatsword Xander Model Number: CMN-043 Height: 187 cm (6’1”) Weight: 216 kg (476 lbs) Power: 9800rp Speed: 6200rp Energy: Thermal Power Gear: Power Weapon: Volcanic Cleaver Origin: JJSponge120 Manufacturer: Neo Future Electronics

Greatsword Xander was modified for combat, designed with high strength to cleave through the mountain in one fell swoop of his giant sword.

In life, he was once a member of a rough group of mercenaries who would raid many planets for treasure. However, when they got caught in the middle of a space war, Xander left this group to save himself from harm. This lead him to struggle with cooperations with Lottie, Catallus, and other new friends he crossed paths with. This caught Impy's interest as he managed to kidnap him and Lottie's friends, mechanized them, turning them into super fighting robots.

With his big giant sword, he unleashes his fury by igniting it in flames to jam his sword on the ground, creating a devastating volcanic eruption. Nobody would dare step up to his path, ever again.
Under his helmet is Greatsword Xander, himself, as if his hairstyle remained the same. The manufacturer tried to quell this former mercenary up, but failed. Taking his helmet off doesn't even help, either. Only destruction remains. Can somebody extinguish the laboratory up, this place is on fire, ever since Xander left to the volcanoes in solitude.

Magic Lottie Model Number: CMN-042 Height: 163 cm (5’3”) Weight: 85 kg (187 lbs) Power: 3200rp Speed: 8800rp Energy: Magic Energy Gear: Speed Weapon: Magic Flash Origin: JJSponge120 Manufacturer: Neo Future Electronics

Magic Lottie was modified for combat, designed with high agility and the ability to warp from one place after the another, while traversing through different dimensions.

In life, she was once well known by many other people of different dimensions as The World's Wondrous Girl who walked many dimensions. She helped others in danger, fend off against threats, and have made wonderful spells... Including that pocket monster transformation spell. This caught Impy's interest as he managed to kidnap her and her friends, mechanized them, turning them into super fighting robots.

She's got plenty in her sleeves: Magic Card, a weapon that could snatch in anything, while leaving them bleeding artificial blood, Magic Wand, a weapon that only shoots out magic spells in a form of typical robot's solar bullets, and Magic Flash, a weapon that functions like her ultimate spell that she used to destroy her nemesis, Zorah, and her evil counterparts. No known result has been found at the moment.
Under her helmet is Magic Lottie, herself, as if her hairstyle remained the same. You thought that her hat is always attached to her helmet, huh?

Star Catallus Model Number: CMN-041 Height: 162 cm (5’3”) Weight: 84 kg (185 lbs) Power: 7800rp Speed: 4600rp Energy: Cosmic Energy Gear: Power Weapon: Star Blast Origin: JJSponge120 Manufacturer: INASP Space Agency

Star Catallus was modified for space exploration and combat, designed with high agility and the ability to fight at optimal efficiency in low-gravity environments. He was put in charge of the remodeling of the abandoned space station orbiting Earth.

In life, he was exposed to a cosmic radiation and gained cosmic power to shoot green energy. He was adopted by a time and dimension traveling gentleman, Fabian Astronamus, training him to use his power for good. Catallus met Lottie for the first time and formed partnership with each other. This caught Impy's interest as he managed to kidnap him and Lottie's friends, mechanized them, turning them into super fighting robots.

Under scientific research, his mysterious cosmic power is the key to better understand the effects on any matter on contact. His weapon, Star Blast, gave off some radiating effect that could potentially irradiate any robot he aimed at, obliterating it in the process. No known result has been found at the moment.
Under his helmet is Star Catallus, himself, as if his hairstyle remained the same. He still looked the same, but his free will has been stripped away as a cold-hearted villain who plots for Impy, while enacting an end of the world.

Crystal Christie Model Number: CMN-040 Height: 165 cm (5’4”) Weight: 96 kg (212 lbs) Power: 7500rp Speed: 6800rp Energy: Electric Energy Gear: Power Weapon: Scatter Crystal Origin: Finnjr63 Manufacturer: Neo Future Electronics

Crystal Christie was modified for financial gains and combat, through the use of her artificial crystals through hydrothermal processing. It may come off as making crystals out of thin air, but that's the way of hydrothermal synthesis.

In life, she was an ordinary girl who has a romantic relationship with a traditionally drawn stick figure, Jake. She suffered, big time, when she got turned into a hybrid of a princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, a Christmasfied pawn to Origamus, a sickness zombie, and a creature who likes to hear one's heart. This caught Impy's eyes for potentiality within her, so he decided to kidnap her to mechanize her into a super fighting robot.

Usually, she's afraid of scorpions, hated dishonest people, and harbors great solace for her dear friends, but now, she does the absolute opposite. She has no need of friends, scammed so many people with her artificial crystals, and would send in her crystalline scorpion to put them behind bars.
Under her helmet is Crystal Christie, herself, as if her hairstyle remained the same. It's as if her boyfriend have recognized her face, but it wasn't her voice that he's hearing, anymore. She's becoming a dishonest person that he's ever met!

Drone Bob Model Number: CMN-039 Height: 165 cm (5’4”) Weight: 128 kg (282 lbs) Power: 4800rp Speed: 6800rp Energy: Solar Power Gear: Speed Weapon: Flock Drone Origin: Christi71864683 Manufacturer: INASP Space Agency

Drone Bob was remodified for aerial combat through the use of his weapon, Flock Drone, while surveilling around in an aerial point of view.

Out of all of these robotic animals that was modeled after any of those animals, he's the only one who got kidnapped by Impy, remodifying and reprogramming him to serve as an aerial scout.

Drone Bob seemed to be the only one who wasn't technically roboticized, as he's already a robot to begin with. If he were, then he'd be deroboticized into an actual bird, but that won't happen, considering that he was once a regular robobird who was built to fit in with the animal friends.

Armament Chuck Model Number: CMN-038 Height: 157 cm (5'2") Weight: 162 kg (357 lbs) Power: 4200rp Speed: 6400rp Energy: Gas Turbine Gear: Speed Weapon: Homing Missile Origin: Christi71864683 Manufacturer: Ramsterton Military Workshop

Armament Chuck was modified for combat as well as guarding an illegal weapon depot for his robot minions to take arms to battle. All primed and loaded with many dangerous weapons, possible, mixed with two heads needed for surveillance.

Each head has their own minds on what to think and how to strategize their battle tactics. Thanks to their flightless bird-like design, he is quick enough to evade attacks as he constantly look for the right targeting spot for him to take advantage of.

There are plenty of weapons that Armament Chuck can use: Homing Missile, a weapon that fires in a heat-seeking missile, Sniper Missile, a weapon that locks onto a target to launch a missile that goes after an intended target, Shell Missile, a weapon that only fires in an arching trajectory, and Land Mine, a weapon that lays in a ton of stepping mines that could only explode when walked on.

Drill Lancewell Model Number: CMN-037 Height: 157 cm (5'2") Weight: 164 kg (362 lbs) Power: 8800rp Speed: 6800rp Energy: Solar Power Gear: Power Weapon: Lance Drill Origin: Manufacturer: Godspeed Armory

Drill Lancewell was modified for combat, while being scheduled to be a second-in-command for this whole Robot Army. Upon witnessing what happened to Astra, he sense a justice within her, as if his free will is about to come to his senses.

Once a brave noble knight, he sought to go after the evil enchantress in malachite and obsidian. Now a robotic knight, he's always the same brave noble knight we knew of, but is aware of how bad this company really is.

He is often seen near the cliff, watching the sunset, as if he wanted to save the world as much as Astra, but he's still bound by the company's programming, preventing him from ever wanting to save the day. And to this day, will he ever be reprogrammed back to his original self.

Tidal Atlantette Model Number: CMN-036 Height: 140 cm (4’6”) Weight: 100 kg (220 lbs) Power: 4800rp Speed: 6000rp Energy: Water Energy Gear: Speed Weapon: Water Trident Origin: Manufacturer: Nauticut Institute of Oceanology

Tidal Atlantette was modified for underwater combat with the ability to alternate her forms on land and underwater. Nonetheless, she likes to be near bodies of water, to give herself an advantage she needed the most.

In life, she was a young mermaid princess hailing from her underwater royal kingdom, Atlantis City. Her adventurous spirit made her who she is, and she chose to help other fish people with everything, and as a result, making ways for her to go through. That is, until Impy decided to kidnap her, mechanized her into a super fighting robot.

Her free will may have been stripped away, but deep down, her spirit kept begging for anyone else to put an end to her rampage. Nobody even heard her begging, as if people didn't believe in such stories alike. That is, until a blonde girl in blue showed up to put her out of her misery.

She and Toxic Sally wouldn't get along with each other, considering their long history, back when they were normal.
Under her helmet is Tidal Atlantette, herself, as if her hairstyle remained the same. Under her intimidating helmet lies a beautiful face of a young girl. But looks are deceiving, when Charon Co. took hold of her.
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