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Elizabeth Biggs
Medieval Exchequer Research Fellow on the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland project at TCD; research on medieval & early modern Westminster & medieval Ireland; formerly York and Durham; Dogs; She/her.
278 followers188 following222 posts

Lovely to see collaborations highlighted! I was able to read more than even the nineteenth-century editor thanks to cutting-edge imaging techniques at TNA, Hampton Court and UCL. Now it's the Archives' document of the month with a in-depth story as well:

A medieval Irish roll with hidden grievances
A medieval Irish roll with hidden grievances

This unassuming roll provides a glimpse into how medieval Ireland was governed by England towards the end of the 13th century, and the corrupt practices of senior officials. Today, it plays a starring...


Looking back to my first postdoc, I'd say reminding myself to enjoy the process. Enjoy working on a new set of sources, in a new place and with interesting people. I did, but I was also far too worried about the whole thing. I hope you have a blast!


Onwards to Easter term. Possibly not a good sign that an entire week at the end of Hilary term was omitted when they wrote up the rolls around six months later. Also weird that they started the new rolls at Easter, not the usual Michaelmas.


Huge congratulations! It's a spectacular collection and a spectacular achievement! I look forward to seeing it in print.


At the end of February 1348 now and yup, still worrying about your little taxes and fines for not turning up to court. Everyone is trying to buy pardons and sort out legal disputes with no idea what comes next.


I am getting flashbacks to January 2020 and watching Covid approach as I translate the Irish exchequer roll for January 1348. Everything is so routine in the accounts and I know it's all going to be upended by the Black Death by the end of the year.


My flatmate got Thursday boots shipped to the UK and I think they have some true lace up boots, if that's any use?


And they know the institution properly- I don't think many VCs come up through the ranks of one place in the UK these days?


Trinity College Dublin's provost is elected from the faculty for a five year term - it seems to work okay (from my not-actually-in-TCD often perspective).

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Elizabeth Biggs
Medieval Exchequer Research Fellow on the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland project at TCD; research on medieval & early modern Westminster & medieval Ireland; formerly York and Durham; Dogs; She/her.
278 followers188 following222 posts