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I'd unpack here, but it would take too long, and I'm hungry.
28 followers23 following150 posts
Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green are sitting at a game board with various little figurines on it.
Blue: You could probably win this round with the unit with five dice rolls for attack.

Both of the foxes look up from the board to each other.
Blue: ...Or you could use the weaker one with 25 attack dice.

Both Blue and Green look back at the board.
Green: Well, you know me.
Blue: I'm afraid that I do.

In glee, Green pulls out a bucket almost the size of his own head, filled to the brim with dice. Blue closes his eyes in defeat.
Green: I've got my dice bucket, and I'm going to make it hail!

I've been over on Twitter more than here, obvi, but I'm resurfacing just to let you know that the wips are taking over. Here's another one:

Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl


Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Green is seated in front of a sink, which has pink soap foam brimming out of it, looking irate.
Green, thinking: Oh, there he comes to pull me away from my work and kiss my neck. He always does that when I'm trying to wash the dishes!

Blue walks past Green, oblivious to his seething.

No longer mad, Green turns around, looking at the direction Blue left, in confusion.
Green: Hey, where are my neck kisses?
Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

This Kuroo and Tsukishima moment lives in my head rent free. #ハイキュー#クロ月#kurotsuki

Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green walk past a pink baby stroller. In the stroller is a little yellow baby fox, who stares at Blue intensely. Blue looks back towards the baby, while Green walks obliviously past.

Out of earshot of the stroller, Blue looks puzzled, while Green is unsurprised.
Blue: Why do babies always have to stare at me?
Green: They like to stare at beautiful people.
Blue: I'm not beautiful. Everyone else just has low standards.

Green turns to look at Blue, incredulous.
Green: Even babies?
Blue: Especially babies.
Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green are tracking the wheelmarks of a bicycle.
Blue: These bicycle tracks keep getting more erratic as the path gets steeper.

The foxes arrive to a spot where the winding and waving wheel tracks end in a roughly fox-sized imprint. They study it with interest.
Green: This must be the point of impact.

A sepia-toned flashback scene of an anonymous fox sliding down a dirt road on a bicycle, sideways, raising dust as the bike wheels scrape the ground.
Blue, narrating: The cyclist must have made a full body halt.

The foxes continue to follow the single wheel track, which now has a set of footprints next to it.
Green: And left the scene on foot.
Blue: Seems so.
Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green are sitting apart looking at opposite directions, with their backs turned towards each other.

Blue turns his head to look at Green as Green turns to talk to him.
Green: Is this an awkward silence, or are we just sitting quietly?
Blue: We're just sitting.

The foxes turn back the way they were, to look into different directions.
Green: Oh, okay. Good.

Blue turns to look towards Green, with a puzzled look on his face. Green freezes in place, as if he had just been caught with something.
Blue: Wait, why did you need to check?
Reposted by ElizaMoxieGirl

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue turns to look at Green who is rushing past him, a big flower crown on his head.
Green: Midsummer eve! Time to go build a bonfire with my 25 closest friends!

Green pauses to look back to Blue as Blue asks a question.
Blue: Not all 30?
Green: A few couldn't come. Are you sure you aren't coming?
Blue: Absolutely.

Blue turns back around, sitting serenely with his eyes closed, as Green gleefully speeds off, scattering flowers as he goes.
Blue: I will be having a splendid time enjoying the peace and quiet of home by myself.
Green: Have fun!
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I'd unpack here, but it would take too long, and I'm hungry.
28 followers23 following150 posts