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Am @EnglishFolkfan as on the BlueBird since 2008 Independent interested creative
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Oh thank you, that's brought back even more memories. It was lovely way back then to talk to 'old boys' round the London markets to get an insight to how they loved the buildings, worts & all, and about the many evolved 'rights & rituals' that made the place somehow especially theirs.


Can remember the storming of the empty Centre Point back in 1974 by protesters over housing for homeless. Labour Camden Council had tried unsuccessfully to acquire the building for that purpose. We'd the 3 day week as well & then we London NALGO lot went on strike too.

Centre Point: When protesters stormed the UK's tallest empty building
Centre Point: When protesters stormed the UK's tallest empty building

In 1974, a group of people stormed a London office block to protest about a lack of housing.


I'm so glad it will be the new Museum of London, it was always a wonderful area to be in especially when I worked at the Strand end of Fleet Street & my boyf'd had regular student hols job driving for Harts delivering meat orders all over town, somehow it always inc the Cheshire Cheese on his round.


Many fond memories of Smithfield, in 50's & 60's Dad would go to Harts Xmas eve auction so we'd not know our Xmas holidays meats til he brought them home, splendid goose or turkey & maybe luxury cuts to roast but always a ham joint Ma slow cooked that night for cold slicing from Boxing day onwards.


Agree with wishing Dave Throup would duplicate post on here. Informative and educational plus with great scenic visuals from his bike riding exploits too. :)


Re Autumnwatch guess the BBC has tightened its belt for Natural History Unit budget esp if expensive big series are in planning. Chris seems to be very active with other work, protests & promotions, Michaela & Iolo keeping busy too public talks, tours etc. Will be lots to report on in Winterwatch!


All's ok here. This wettest of Summers has created an overgrown garden so big autumn cutting back has happened. Tree pruning planned when leaves have fallen to show structure/shape. My very old car died, downsize to a fun 1ltr 2nd hand purple 5 door, aka 'Little Plum'. DiL called it the 'lunch box'!


As if our rivers and waterways weren't already over polluted and full of unwanted shit and unsanitary products...


Sending belated Birthday Greetings, and what a splendid gift that picture is, something to frame and keep on display forever to show this place where you're all so 'at home'. :)


My first visit to walk up to that castle from the town was last October when Montgomery was surrounded by flooded roads and fields, was quite a 'wow' view after a fraught multi diversion drive to get there for a very special family wedding. Tis a wonderful place & the local folks were so welcoming.

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Am @EnglishFolkfan as on the BlueBird since 2008 Independent interested creative
66 followers145 following299 posts