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Andy Walsh
Narrative Wrangler-Videogames, TV, theatre, and beyond. Techland - Horizon Forbidden West - HorizonCalloftheMountain - Prince of Persia - Fable. Views my own. He/him.
1.5k followers714 following676 posts

more ways of both connecting with people and refiring your love for what you do! Have a fab Friday, all!


If you're more gregarious - then bring people into the conversation, open the group, ask them about themselves - facilitate! Right, the day beckons, I'm carrying the excitement of meeting new people into this new day and hope that you can find -


to dissuade yourself from chatting. Be polite, look around for openings (a gap in a group that appears to be including everyone, not focused on an internal conversation, people that are looking around for people - just like you) then wait for a turn. -


isn't interested in you/isn't the skill set you want to meet it is, isn't vibing with you that night, it is absolutely okay to politely thank them for the chat and then move on. iii) No one will be interested in me because... it's easy to find the reasons someone might not want to talk to you and -


to someone else you can connect with. Don't judge yourself and be wary of judging them (they might be stressed/distracted/having an off night/just not able to hear you!). Most of the people there are there to meet people like you and to exchange ideas. If you feel the person you're talking to -


, or be blank faces (didn't they get/like me? Must I judge my whole character/life/career, now because this person wasn't engaging with me) or rude. In most cases, they're probably feeling the same and mirroring you. Just like dating, if you don't hit it off then be polite and move on -


You might, but it's more likely to be a stepping stone on the path). Take a breath, meet people and see what happens, you're not betting your whole career on this one evening/event! ii) Attendees can feel like monstrous competitors (they want jobs that I want, they want attention - what about me?!)


- need to embrace digital more. It was also clear that some people there felt awkward, unsure and plain disappointed. This wasn't the fault of the organisers, it's the way of these events. i) We can go with expectations that are too high (I will find that job and change my career in one night!-


reader, he probably won't rein that in, this stuff and the people who do it are too interesting!). Also need to learn how to get back into networking rather than just saying hi to people with enthusiasm (a related, but different skill). I was a one man blizzard of businesscards and probably -


I keep hearing about it - will have to get myself along there. Thanks for that :)

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Andy Walsh
Narrative Wrangler-Videogames, TV, theatre, and beyond. Techland - Horizon Forbidden West - HorizonCalloftheMountain - Prince of Persia - Fable. Views my own. He/him.
1.5k followers714 following676 posts