11 followers55 following117 posts

“There are fewer tents” hides what’s really going on here, that San Francisco has effectively made it a crime to be homeless.


A car that can be remotely disabled by the manufacturer halfway across the world can be remotely disabled while you’re doing 80 on the interstate.


When you think about it, smog is just freedom in gaseous form, really.


When I say this is Hitler level shit I am fully aware of what I am saying and am saying it very mindfully and deliberately

From the Trump virus subreddit which has the video at the link in this post: 

Trump claims about illegal Haitians: "I'm angry about young American girls being raped and sodomized and murdered by savage criminal aliens"

If it’s not getting taken down quickly, you might try a DMCA takedown notice since it’s copied photo and text you have rights over.


I assume there’s an uncropped version, in which you’re holding a fish?


So you’re saying if I follow for the dog pics, I get dunks on JD Vance for free? *clicks*


My advice? Just stay there for a while. Maybe until after election. Maybe longer.


I mean Britain was about to start shopping immigrants to Rwanda for processing and resettlement, regardless of their country of origin.


If this isn't fascist rhetoric, then I don't know what is. This is from Posobiec's speech. I don't think I've ever seen so many different euphemisms for "Jews" in such a short piece of writing.

If they are gonna hold J6 investigations to target patriots, then we will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington. I seem to remember a senator from Wisconsin telling us that communists were infiltrating our government. And you know what? He was exactly right.
We don't negotiate with globalist neo-Marxists. We don't negotiate with the political version of an auto-immune disease. In a word, ladies and gentlemen— taken from the title of my book—we don't negotiate with un-humans. Because that's the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity. Populist nationalists versus atheist Marxist globalists. Strength, beauty, and genius versus weakness, ugliness, and stupidity. Civilization versus barbarism. Crime and chaos versus law and order...
Law and order is the only thing that makes freedom possible. We come to restore law and order, not to knock it down. We do that because we understand that when civilization ends, the result
We believe that each nation-state within the new West has a unique cultural heritage that must be preserved and celebrated. We recognize that the strength of our collective identity lies in the richness of our individual cultures. To that end, we will implement policies that respect and uphold our national character, and this includes regulating migration in a way that preserves our cultural identities and our social fabric. By managing migration thoughtfully, we can welcome some —maybe, net zero-who seek to contribute to our societies while safeguarding the essence of that which makes our nation unique.
And we will work together. This is our national destiny. We will continue the civilizational project that was bequeathed to us by our forefathers. This is our duty.
This is our responsibility. Together we will build a future where our collective strength from our nation-states, many of which are gathered here today, leads us to unprecedented heights— to the stars and beyond them, as is
11 followers55 following117 posts