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ETX Gov 🏴‍☠️
Some sort of weird Lumberjack Longhorn mashup. Foster parent, agitator of status quos, nerd. Usonian. They call me Queso Blanco. Yall Means All.
571 followers1.7k following11.7k posts

I know many Dems definition of pro choice doesn't include the goal of reducing the number of abortions. But Dem positions like paid parental leave, healthcare access, social safety nets, birth control do reduce the number of abortions, while the GOP prolife ultimate "victory" has increased them.


So, by practically every definition, Dems are more pro life from womb to tomb. My advice would be to take up the mantle and make the GOP try to fight you on it. Every time they do, they're going to look like weirdos and you can keep trying to promote human flourishing.

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ETX Gov 🏴‍☠️
Some sort of weird Lumberjack Longhorn mashup. Foster parent, agitator of status quos, nerd. Usonian. They call me Queso Blanco. Yall Means All.
571 followers1.7k following11.7k posts