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he | him email: eustace[at]eustace[dot]link signal: eustace.49 read some shit about alt text download some IOS shortcuts
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Theme: The Relationship Between Humans and Pokémon / Human-like Ways of Thinking

Long ago, when the boundary between Pokemon and humans was unclear...
There was a village somewhere. One day, a girl from that village went into the mountains to gather firewood. She found well-dried, deadwood deep in the forest, so she kept going further in.
Before she realized it, the sun was setting, and she had lost her way. Around her, there were droppings from a Typhlosion, which made the girl anxious. Just then, a man appeared from the other side of the forest. His face didn't resemble anyone from the village, but he was very handsome. The man said:
"You must be lost, right? I know the way down the mountain, but with your pace, it would be midnight before we get there. I'll take you back tomorrow morning, so why don't you rest at my place tonight?"
The girl had no choice but to agree to the man's suggestion. The man took her hand and began to walk.
As evening fell, they arrived at a large cave.
This is my home. You must be hungry, right? Wait here.
Saying that, the man went outside the cave. After he left, a red light shone from far away in the mountains, and there was the sound of trees swaying. Before long, the man returned, carrying many red berries. He said:
*Eat this, then let's sleep for the night. Even if you wake up before I do, don't look at my face."
The next morning, when the girl woke up, the man was still asleep. She honored their promise and stayed lying down, waiting. Before long, she fell back asleep.
She was awakened by the man's voice. When she looked outside, the sun was already setting.
"Today, we'll eat green berries. Wait here."
With that, he went out of the cave. After he left, the same red light shone from far away, and the sound of trees swaying echoed once more. By the time the sun had set completely, the man returned, carrying many green berries. He said:
*Eat this, then let's sleep for the night. Even
if you wake up before I do, don't look at my face."
The girl expressed her concern that her family would be worried and that she wanted to go home soon. The man yawned widely and tapped her on the head. At that moment, she completely forgot about her family and home. The two of them ate the green berries together and then fell asleep.
The same routine continued, with them waking up when the sun had set, the man going out to gather berries, and the two of them eating and sleeping together. Eventually, the girl realized that the man was a Typhlosion.
As winter approached, the Typhlosion dug deeper into the cave and said to the girl: "Go and gather wood for firewood. Break off the branches from the higher parts of tall trees."
The girl tried to do as the Typhlosion instructed, but the tall trees scared her, so she could only climb the shorter ones. When she brought back some branches, the Typhlosion said: "That won't do. If it's not from higher branches, humans will find us."
When the snow began to fall, the two of them lived in the depths of the cave, mostly sleeping. There was plenty of food. Occasionally, they would wake up, eat, and then go back to sleep. One day when she awoke, the girl was holding a child. After several days and nights passed, the Typhlosion said:
"Your father is looking for you. But you are my wife, so I can't return you. I will have to fight him."
The girl pleaded: "Please don't do that. Don't kill my father. How can I live with you if you kill my family? You are a good person. So, please stay here with me and sleep."
"Alright. Let's stay here and sleep."
The man nodded.
The next night, the Typhlosion woke the girl and said:
"Your father is close by. Go and see."
When the girl went outside, a snowstorm was raging. She climbed a low tree and broke off a branch.
When she returned to the cave, the Typhlosion was singing a song she had never heard before.
"You broke off a branch, didn't you? Soon,
your father will come here. I am going to do something bad to your father. If I am killed, take my eyes, my voice, and my heart. Build a fire at the spot where I was killed and burn them. And while they burn, sing this song until the fire goes out.'
The girl said: "Please don't do it. Don't kill my father. If anyone is to be killed, let it be you."
"Goodbye. We will never meet again."
With those words, the Typhlosion went outside.
After a while, there was a loud noise, and when the girl looked outside, she saw her father had killed the Typhlosion. She rushed out and said to her father:
*Father, you have killed my husband. I have been living with him all this time. He was my husband.
Please give me my husband, the Typhlosion's eyes, voice, and heart.*
The girl built a fire at the place where the Typhlosion had been killed and put his eyes, voice, and heart into the flames. She sang the song the Typhlosion had taught her until the fire burned out.
The girl's father built a small hut on the edge of the village for the girl and her child to live in.
Eventually, spring arrived. The young men of the village often teased and tormented the girl and her child. It became worse over time, and one day, they tried to drape a Typhlosion's pelt over them. The girl returned home and pleaded with her parents: "Please tell the villagers to stop teasing us. If they put that pelt on us, we will surely become Typhlosion. We are already half-Typhlosion as it is."
Despite the parents' pleas, the villagers did not listen. In fact, they found it even more amusing and eventually draped the Typhlosion pelt over the girl and her child. At that moment, they howled loudly and vanished into the depths of the forest. The two were never seen again.
And so, people came to understand: Typhlosion are half-human beings.

Thank you a lot!

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he | him email: eustace[at]eustace[dot]link signal: eustace.49 read some shit about alt text download some IOS shortcuts
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