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EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.
historian, curmudgeon, artisanal tinfoil hatmaker, probably a hot mess. she/her.
35 followers152 following197 posts
Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

Only five years ago, GOP leaders held a legislator to account for flirting with white nationalism. Clay Higgins’ racist rant, echoing Trump, got a pass.

Column | Clay Higgins sets a new benchmark on the racism Republicans will excuse
Column | Clay Higgins sets a new benchmark on the racism Republicans will excuse

Former Iowa representative Steve King was punished by House leaders for less.

Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

I got a chance to see "Will and Harper" early and I wrote about it for MSNBC. To me, its a story of trying to fit in within an increasingly transphobic America.

Opinion | A new documentary highlights America’s complicated reality with trans identities
Opinion | A new documentary highlights America’s complicated reality with trans identities

The documentary tells an interesting story about how America is tangling with the issue of trans rights.

Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

In 1952, Joe McCarthy hired Francis Parker Yockey (the author of Imperium, the bible for American neo-Nazis) to write a speech to be delivered at an event sponsored by the National Renaissance Party, a neo-Nazi organization. This is the end of the speech. Sub in "deep state" for acheson.

It is not a part of the divine plan that a great superpersonal force working for order and creativeness in the world, like the Western Civilization, 18 to be overcome by an onslaught of barbarians against an America weakened by corruption and betrayed by & horde of achesons.
The inner enemy, like the Red Chinese Armies in Korea, has not earned any of his victories. They have been presented to him by the marshalls and achesons.
But America is coming back. We shall pull ourselves and our nation out of this swamp of treason, tut corruption and diagust.
We shall liberate our land from ttx the domination of traitors and then, by the help of the Almighty God, we shall restore the word America to its old meaning in the world before all nations.
By the deluge of our rotes, by the irrestible storm of our organized protest, no shall sweep America flear of its inner enemies and onward to ite God-given Destiny.
Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

Welp, looks like Corey DeAngelis was removed from an RFK event. As I note in this piece, MAGA didn't care about his past — until an account that tweets Hitler memes called it out. Seems like an attack needs Nazi flavoring before they'll accept it.

GOP gay adult film controversy reveals the chaos brewing behind Project 2025
GOP gay adult film controversy reveals the chaos brewing behind Project 2025

MAGA may toss a top anti-LGBTQ activist over past behavior — yet their ranks remain full of cranks and conmen


So how come #EricAdams#ClarenceThomas did the same stuff and is untouchable?


I think Musk's Xitter is designed to keep you angry, scared, and just generally fucked up. I notice my anxiety levels increase dramatically when I'm on that site.

Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

Conspicuous that so many of the media commentators rushing to defend Nuzzi for having a sexual relationship with a male source were also eager to defend the Washington Post’s decision to bar Felicia Sonmez from coverage after she revealed past experiences of sexual violence.

Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.

Donald Trump has still not disclosed his tax returns, as all other presidents and and major candidates have for decades. Congress needs to change the law to require this disclosure, which gives the people key information about conflicts of interest and compliance with law.

Reposted by EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.
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EvOutWest, an ol' Ph.D.
historian, curmudgeon, artisanal tinfoil hatmaker, probably a hot mess. she/her.
35 followers152 following197 posts