Helen Maden-Sheridan
Creator of ā€˜Fast Mathsā€™. 42 Maths/Spelling Books published by Educational Publisher - ā€˜Topical Resourcesā€™. Teacher for 34 years. Ex-Primary Headteacher. Now freelance SLE (Specialist Leader in Education for Maths/Spelling/Reading Fluency)
1k followers1.4k following167 posts

This is a ā€˜realā€™ life teacher - seems to be in control and on top of things. 4 weeks in - many teachers pretend they are ok but are already ā€˜behindā€™. In our push to improve, we need to have ā€˜what itā€™s really like to be a teacher in 2024ā€™ at the forefront of our mind:


It surely is time! At the moment teachers seem to just be busy, busy with ā€˜tasksā€™ they ā€˜haveā€™ to do and so have little time to concentrate on providing the best teaching and learning.

0 book ā€˜Teaching for Masteryā€™. ā€˜Ah ha moments - pupils truly owning the knowledgeā€™


Octoberā€™s Real PCD Maths Challenge - donā€™t wait until half termā€¦.. Only 14 minutes of your life - itā€™s a must-listen if you want to really make a difference. Itā€™s all about kids getting those ā€˜ah ahā€™ moments and truly owning the knowledge.

0 new CPD maths book. Teaching for Mastery. Only 14 minutes Students getting those ā€˜ah haā€™ moments - and truly owning the knowledge.


I tutor in secondary. I am working with some fantastic kids in Y9 who donā€™t know their times tablesā€¦ One lad improved from 11/60 on a speed test when we started in June, to 43/60 yesterday and said, ā€œMrs. Sheridan, I think one day soon Iā€™m going to know them all.ā€ What fulfilling work!


Wonderful from NCETM ā€œFoulds and Thomas call for a curriculum that supports pupils to apply learning fluently before moving on. The NCETM, Maths Hubs and the thousands of teachers who have already embedded a mastery pedagogy agree and support this call for change.ā€

Aligning curriculum reform and assessment with teaching for mastery in primary maths
Aligning curriculum reform and assessment with teaching for mastery in primary maths

Charlie Stripp and Debbie Morgan respond to a recent TES article by David Thomas and Peter Foulds regarding the primary curriculum and potential reform


Brilliant Bruno - itā€™s far better than anything Iā€™ve come across. I know Iā€™m being pernickety but I would really like the number 1 straight - and the line on the 9 straight as well. However, this will really help so many SEND kids by causing less ā€˜Cognitive Confusionā€™. Thank you so much.


I am looking for someone to create a font for word, where: 1 - would be just a straight line 4 - would be opened not closed 9 - would be a c on top of a stick

Helen Maden-Sheridan
Creator of ā€˜Fast Mathsā€™. 42 Maths/Spelling Books published by Educational Publisher - ā€˜Topical Resourcesā€™. Teacher for 34 years. Ex-Primary Headteacher. Now freelance SLE (Specialist Leader in Education for Maths/Spelling/Reading Fluency)
1k followers1.4k following167 posts